A fanatic ends the world

A fanatic ends the world

Can one fanatic bring the end of the world? Yes, if that fanatic is Greek prime minister Mitsotakis. Should the world cease to exist so that Mitsotakis remains in his position? Absolutely not! Mitsotakis has to be replaced immediately, so the world will be much safer. While Mitsotakis remains prime minister, the world is in danger. He is a NWO - EU fanatic, unwilling to compromise. MITSOTAKIS is a MAJOR GLOBAL THREAT.

Anti - NWO is very conciliatory and flexible. Anti - NWO has ALREADY MADE a HUGE COMPROMISE. Anti - NWO's compromise solution is not what Anti - NWO prefers. It is what they hope NWO could accept as a compromise. Anti - NWO prefers the prevalence plan which is much better. It is impossible though that NWO will ever accept it. It is already very hard to make them accept the compromise plan.

Anti - NWO is very flexible. It will accept any composition in Groups 4 and 3, as long as the populations are approximately equal. Separation though is a red line and absolutely necessary but not alienation. Anti - NWO gave Italy all the time it needs to make a correct decision regarding participation in Group 4. They will participate if they make a rational decision. They are expected to make a rational decision.

Italia (Italy) should be in the same group with Balkania (Balkans). They are next to each other. They are both large peninsulas. They are at the same latitude. If we look at the map, northern part of Italy is at the same line with northern part of Balkans. The same is true for southern part. Italia and Balkania also have the same population! Italy's is almost 59 million while Balkans' is a little more than 60 million.

It is not specifically defined which countries are in Balkania. Generally, Hellas (Greece), Albania, ex - Yugoslavian countries, Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova are included. These have the population mentioned (60 million). Ex-Yugoslavian countries are Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, N. Macedonia, Bosnia. Geographically, Hungary could be included but historically it is not considered part of Balkania. Turkiye has a small part in Balkania but is not regarded Balkan country.

It may take Italy some time to make the right decision because they have certain emotional barriers to overcome. Group 4 has to proceed with a core of approximately twelve countries; Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro. Perhaps N. Macedonia will also be included. Most of these countries are in Balkania.

The main obstacle for the core to proceed is Greece's prime minister Mitsotakis. He is not the only NWO - EU fanatic. Poland's Tusk and Estonia's Kallas are also NWO - EU fanatics unwilling to compromise. But Poland and Estonia are very different cases compared to Greece (Hellas). Most likely they will be in Group 3, if Italy makes a rational decision and participates in Group 4.

Since Italy has all the time it needs to make a wise decision, German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) also have all the time Italy needs. This time can't be twenty years but it could be approximately a decade, even more. Nevertheless, the sooner Italy participates, the better it would be for them. From Anti - NWO's point of view, they have at least a decade.

German Wannabes will be Germany's Lebensraum, if Italy makes a rational decision. There is no chance Hellas (Greece) or the rest of the Balkania will be in Group 3. Mitsotakis is by far the biggest obstacle for the core of twelve countries to proceed. This will bring great conflict in the area which could cause a war. Remember that World War I started in Balkans.

If we have World War III, the world may cease to exist. In World War II there were no nuclear weapons used. Only in the end of the war, two atomic bombs were detonated in Japan. Today many countries have nuclear weapons. Only a part of one country's nuclear weaponry could be enough to extinguish the whole world. So in today's world, extreme caution is required. Fanatics should be replaced with those willing to compromise.

There are already two conflicts close to Balkans, one in Ukraine and one in Israel. So far, expansion of war has been avoided. Check the map. Balkania connect Ukraine and Israel. If there is a war in Balkania, there will be wars in all that vast area that starts from Ukraine and ends in Israel. All these could be avoided if fanatics in sensitive areas are shown the exit door.

We can ALL LIVE in PEACE and PROSPER. NWO created a global chaos, very many problems all over the world. Anti - NWO's real elite has corrected almost all the problems. Anti - NWO's compromise plan is as good as it can get and Anti - NWO should implement it. We need to emphasize that compromise plan is already a big compromise for Anti - NWO. It would prefer a different plan that NWO certainly would never accept. Anti - NWO is appeasing and flexible.

Fanatics like Mitsotakis, Tusk and Kallas refuse to compromise and insist in global chaos and very many problems. For the time being and for at least a decade, Tusk and Kallas are not in sensitive areas. Probably there would never be a problem with German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries), if Italy makes a rational choice. Probably they will be Germany's Lebensraum. Mitsotakis is a different case. He is a NWO - EU fanatic in a sensitive area.

The world needs to put pressure so that Mitsotakis is replaced immediately by someone who supports compromise. It definitely concerns (Hellenic) Greek people because Hellas has been financially ruined by the participation in EU. It also concerns the whole world because one fanatic could cause a World War. If we have a World War, the end of the world could come with all this nuclear weaponry accumulated.

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