Agreement on global plan

Agreement on global plan

NWO's plan is a complete failure but has two important characteristics. It is unanimous and global. All of NWO's vicious cabal AGREES on the SAME DISASTROUS PLAN. Also it is not only a regional plan but a global plan. These crazy people want to make four pseudo-continental Unions (European, American, African and Asian) and put them under a global dictatorship which they will control. So in this way they will dominate the world and impose their will on people. It is not just madness, it is evil madness.

AntiNWO's compromise and prevalence plans need to have these two characteristics. We have presented a lot regarding AntiNWO's compromise plan but nothing about prevalence plan. There are reasons for that. There is still work done on prevalence plan. Also the focus is currently on compromise. For the prevalence plan to be implemented, NWO has to be defeated because it is something that these monsters will never accept.

We mentioned that Turkiye may prefer a group that suits them more. It is probably one that resembles Ottoman Empire. They haven't expressed it clearly but they have indicated several times the areas that interest them. These are broadly Balkans, Central Asia + Azerbaijan, Middle East and eastern North Africa. Probably they do not include Israel but only the Palestinian state which they support. They may include Egypt and Libya. Central Asia + Azerbaijan were not in Ottoman Empire but were racially related to the first Ottoman Turks.

They were part of Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Most people in these countries speak Russian. We have referred to these countries as Caspian countries, since they are next or near to the Caspia. Central Asian countries are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. With Azerbaijan and Turkiye they make Turkic countries. There is no name for Central Asia + Azerbaijan so we gave them the name Caspian countries.

It is understandable that countries may have their own preferences. But AntiNWO has to agree on the same plan otherwise NWO's disastrous plan will prevail. Also this plan has to be global, not regional. Another very important point is what others want. It is really doubtful that Balkan countries will want to be in such a group. Probably Arab countries in Middle East and North Africa would prefer to be in a group with the rest of Arab countries.

Nevertheless, Turkiye could make a proposal but it has to be global, not regional. They must fit their proposed Group in an international grouping and this will create many problems. What will happen to Russia? What will happen to Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan. Their total population is roughly 350 million so they need Turkey or Central Asian countries to have equal population with the rest of the groups.

One of the weak points in NWO's disastrous plan is huge differences in population among Unions. Asian Union has 2/3 of the world's population while American, European and African Unions have 1/3 of the population. This is totally insane. That is a proof that these people, NWO's vicious cabal are crazy people. People in their right minds would never support such a grouping. Since they are definitely crazy, everything they support is crazy.

One of the strong points in AntiNWO's compromise plan is that groups have roughly equal population. "Yes but China and India have three times the groups' population" somebody may argue. That is why there is an option for four group coalitions; a) four groups b) four groups c) China + one group d) India + one group. Of course this is only an option, not mandatory and it something to be decided very far in the future.

All coalitions will have roughly the same population, two billions with today's population. The coalitions will resemble the four pseudo-continental Unions in NWO's disastrous plan but they will be a big difference. AntiNWO's coalitions will have equal populations while there is huge population disproportionality in NWO's failed plan. A proposal for grouping where Groups have big population differences is weak.

The PRESUMED Turkish preference regarding their group does not fit well in an international grouping. AntiNWO has examined all possible alternatives including this, guessing Turkiye's preferences. It creates problems to other groups. Although it may suit Turkiye better, it is inferior to AntiNWO's proposed compromise plan which is the best possible compromise plan.

Turkiye could make a proposal but probably will not get enough support because fitting their presumably preferred group in an international grouping has many weak points. AntiNWO has also an economic plan ready for Group 4. Some modifications may be needed according to final composition. Group 4 will be able to have high growth rates and reach Western Europe's per capita income relatively soon. If Turkiye submits a proposal, they should also include an economic plan for their group.

We must point out that grouping is only one part of AntiNWO's compromise plan. A much better group organizational model was also created by AntiNWO which is expected to be the norm. In this features like trading partner status and subgroups are included. Instead of NWO's global dictatorship, a 10 + 2 Council is proposed ONLY for global matters.

The Council wiil not interfere in Groups' affairs and the Groups will not interfere in national affairs. The Council will deal only with global matters and the groups only with group matters. Countries will mind their own affairs without interference from the Council or the Group. Of course in EU's disastrous model, the Group (damned EU) interferes greatly in national affairs. But this will be only in Group 3, if they do not change the catastrophic organizational model.

If countries like Turkiye want to submit another proposal, they could. The grouping has to be global, not regional. They must fit their preferred group in an international grouping. Also they would need other parts in their proposal, additionally to an alternative grouping, an economic plan for their group, another organizational model, alternatives for 10 + 2 Council, group coalitions etc.

Eventually all AntiNWO must SUPPORT UNANIMOUSLY the SAME GLOBAL PLAN as NWO's vicious cabal supports the same disastrous global plan. It is not only Turkiye. Other countries may have their own preferences regarding their group. It is understandable that countries may have their own preferences but it would be catastrophic if everybody supports something different.

In AntiNWO's compromise plan there is a lot of room for fine tuning as it will be explained in another article. Turkiye's presumed proposal is not fine tuning but regrouping. Groups have to be roughly as presented because this is the best possible grouping and can get support from everyone or almost everyone. One feature that may be helpful is subgroups. Inside groups there could be subgroups formed that countries could prefer.

Most likely, any other proposal will be inferior to AntiNWO's proposed compromise plan and will not get enough support. In the end all should support the best plan which is the one presented. AntiNWO has examined carefully all possible alternatives before concluding that the the best possible compromise plan is the one presented. It is not perfect but solves most problems and has the fewest weak points.

Although Turkiye could submit an alternative proposal, they should seriously consider the two options given to them in AntiNWO's compromise plan. If they want to have an important role in the Muslim world, they should participate in Group 8 with Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan. Or they could be an Eastern Europeanish Muslim country in Group 4. These are both good options for Turkiye.

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