All around plan

All around plan

The magnitude of NWO's failure is difficult to perceive because it is astronomical. Their plan is total madness and created global chaos which will only get bigger and bigger. Anti - NWO's real elite made all possible corrections in NWO's plan and designed the compromise solution. We must emphasize that Anti - NWO's compromise solution is an ALL AROUND PLAN.

It provides solutions to all problems and satisfies all parts. Real elite examined several alternatives before it ended up with compromise solution. Not long ago, some EU fanatics started talking about Russia's participation in EU, without Putin. Real elite had examined that alternative, Russia's participation in EU, long time ago and concluded that this is not an all around solution.

Russia has to be together with Eastern Europe, if not all, at least a large part of it. But this is not enough. Europe has to be divided in two groups as well. Suppose Russia becomes part of EU. Several problems will still remain and new will be generated. EU's model will still be faulty. Countries will lower productivity will still be at a disadvantage.

Suppose Russia becomes a member and the organizational model in EU changes to the one that is expected to be the standard. It will be very difficult to turn around this massive bureaucracy. Also there will be great opposition to changing the organizational model. Group 4 has to make a clean start. When the organizational model proves to be a success, it is possible that Group 3 will adopt it as well.

Suppose that with some magical way, there is no opposition and this massive bureaucracy turns around relatively easy and adopts Anti - NWO's organizational model. Many problems still remain and new occur. Russia has fierce rivalry with some Western European countries. It will be difficult to co-exist in the same group. Suppose that with some magical way this obstacle is by - passed.

There would be a problem with USA. Probably they wouldn't want Russia to be in the same group with all European countries while they are in a different one. Also there will be difference in population. With Russia, EU's population will be almost 750 million while in North America (Group 1), in South-Central America (Group 2) and in Arab Group 5, population will be 450 - 500 million.

It is not just Russia that has to be with Eastern Europe. North Africa's Arab countries have to be with Southwestern Asia's Arab countries. North Africa has to be separately from Sub - Saharan Africa. USA - Canada have to be separately from the rest of American continent (except Mexico). And Eastern (or Southern - Eastern) Europe has to be separate from Western (or Northern - Western) Europe.

In the original composition, Group 4 included all Eastern Europe and five non - European countries. In another alternative, Italy is in Group 4 and German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) are in Group 3. Eventually either Italy or German Wannabes will be in Group 4. There is a lot of room for fine tuning, small adjustments, in Anti - NWO's compromise plan but there is no room for major changes.

This is because Anti - NWO's real elite has examined already all possibilities and all aspects. It has ruled out those that came to a dead end, a situation in which problems still exist. Anything other than Anti - NWO's compromise plan, may provide some solutions but problems will remain. Anything that still has problems is not an all around plan. Obsession with EU, one group in Europe, has to end because this is not an all around solution.

Anti - NWO's compromise plan is as good as it can get. Because there was an effort to still give NWO maniacs a lot of the things they want and were in their insane plan. As it has been mentioned several times, Anti - NWO' s real elite has another plan that is much better, a prevalence plan which NWO will never accept. For a compromise plan, it doesn't get any better than Anti - NWO's compromise solution.

Of course, each country may prefer a different grouping. Unfortunately, there can't be many groupings. In the end, they will all have to agree in something that is relatively satisfying to every part but not entirely satisfying to any part. That was taken into consideration by Anti - NWO's real elite. The plan doesn't completely please any part but somewhat pleases all parts.

It is an all around plan because it provides solutions to all problems and satisfies to some extent all parts. It is examined from all aspects. The plan is ready. Fine tuning is required and also implementation. Anti - NWO can fix all the problems and make everyone relatively pleased in just two terms maximum. Many problems will be fixed in just one term but probably this will not be enough time to fix all the problems.

Voters must put Anti - NWO in charge, overcoming ideological barriers. It is to their interest. If all this big mess is fixed, they will have an enormous benefit. Voters have the power to fix all problems, if they put Anti - NWO in charge of the situation by a) voting for Anti - NWO parties b) not voting for NWO parties. Some Anti - NWO politicians must realize that an all around plan is needed, which is ready. Voters expect solutions to all problems, not just a few problems.

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