Be Eastern European

Be Eastern European

Be Eastern European

Protesters in Georgia want to be in EU but they are not even Eastern European. Probably they do not know history and geography. NWO - EU propaganda has intentionally mislead people in Eastern Europe and even further, in places like Georgia which is not Eastern Europe. The have extended the European family fake narrative to places that are beyond Eastern Europe.

As we have explained, there is no Europe but two distinctive areas in Eurasian continent, Western and Eastern Europe. There are also much smaller differences inside Western and Eastern Europe. Italy, Spain and Portugal are a little different from Scandinavia. Balkan countries are a little different from Baltic countries. Nevertheless, these differences are much smaller compared to Eastern - Western Europe differences.

Differences inside Western and Eastern Europe could be dealt with sub-groups (regions, provinces, prefectures) inside the groups. This can be done in any group, not just the two European groups. Racial - tribal mix is different in Eastern Europe and Western Europe but similar inside these areas. Also culture is different. In 285 AD, Roman Empire was divided in Latin West and Hellenic (Greek) East. In 395 AD the division was finalized.

The Eastern part was named Byzantine Empire or Byzantium. Byzantium's culture and civilization was Hellenistic. Hellenistic was Hellenic (Greek) after Alexander the Great. Byzantium included mostly Balkan countries and today's Turkey. At its great extent, it also included Italy, Southern Spain, Northern Africa and Middle East. Byzantium's influence reached very far.

Obviously, it had influence in areas that were at Byzantium's fringes, like today's Hungary. These areas were also where Hellenes (Greeks), Thracians and Illyrians have been living since ancient times. Byzantium was Hellenic, Thracian and Illyrian in the first half of millennium. Gradually, Slavs migrated peacefully in vast numbers, so in the second half millennium, it became Hellenic, Thracian, Illyrian and Slavic.

There was Slavic cultural influence in Byzantium. Byzantium developed very close commercial, political, cultural and religious relations with Kievan Rus and had a major influence on them, since it was more advanced, the most advanced area in the world at that time. Byzantium's culture and civilization were Hellenistic, so Kievan Russes had a major influence from Hellenistic culture and civilization.

Today's Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians come from Kievan Russes, so they have influence from Hellenistic culture and civilization. They influenced surrounding countries as well. So there was a two way influence, Slavic in Byzantium and Hellenistic in Slavs. All Eastern Europe is Hellenoslavic (Hellenic and Slavic) in terms of culture and civilization. In Western Europe, there is influence from Roman civilization and culture.

Some ridiculous people in Eastern Europe believe that Western Europeans are better. They are not better, they are definitely richer. They have higher per capita income. This income difference will be fixed very fast, when Eastern Europe will form a separate group. When Eastern Europeans will become richer than Western Europeans, will these ridiculous people still believe that Western Europeans are better?

Many people are examples for others. Some are examples to follow while others are examples to avoid. Examples to avoid, inspire others wanting NOT to be like them. An example to avoid for Eastern Europeans is Donald Tusk. Probably since he was a little kid, his dream was to look Western European. He wanted people to look at him and say " he is definitely Western European".

He made his dream come true. Those who do not know who he is and that he is Polish, probably think that he is Western European. There are other people like Donald Tusk. He is not the only example to avoid. Other cases are Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky, Greece's Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Estonia's Kaja Kallas etc. There are more well known people and also many more not known to the public.

Those that are not famous for some reason, are known only to a small group of people. These four heads of states and others well known like them, should be an example to avoid, for all Eastern Europeans. They look so much Western European. Probably they have strived all their lives to look Western European and regarding this, we can undoubtedly say that they are succesful.

They have succeeded to look and feel Western European. The only problem is that their countries are not Western European but Eastern European. If you are Eastern European, you do not want to be like them. You should be who you are, Polish, Ukrainian, Hellene (Greek), Estonian. In the case of Ukraine, there is doubt if there is an Ukrainian nation. Nevertheless, there are Polish and Russian Ukrainians.

It is very important for Eastern Europe to reach and pass Western Europe, in terms of per capita income. This has to be the main goal of Eastern Europe's group. They should strive to be better than Western Europeans regarding per capita income. They should not try to be Western European misprints, like Tusk, Zelensky, Mitsotakis, Kallas etc. NWO wants to make Eastern Europeans, second class, poor, Western European misprints.

Anti-NWO wants to make them original and richer than Western Europeans. One of the first agreements between Western and Eastern Europe, will be a relocation agreement. People like Tusk, Zelensky, Mitsotakis, Kallas etc, who look and feel Western European should go and live where they belong, in Western Europe. Eastern Europe does not want people like them, Western European misprints.

The same is true for all groups. People should be who they are and not try to be something else. They should strive to increase their per capita income but not become a misprint of people in wealthier countries. Georgia is undoubtedly not Eastern European and obviously not Western European. Georgians should be who they are and not try to look, feel and think like Western Europeans.

They need to be notified that there will be no EU. Anti-NWO will never accept EU. EU is a Western European malfunctioning monstrosity and should be confined in Western Europe only. NWO wants to impose EU's failed model in all three other Unions, American, Asian and African. Contamination should not spread in other areas. Groups will choose their own organizational model and most likely it would be Eastern Europe's model which will prove to be a success.

Georgians are racially and culturally related to Caspian countries. They should be who they are and show great appreciation to Eastern Europeans because they were included in Eastern Europe's group originally. The other option would be to participate in Group 8, with Caspian countries, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Their great chance to participate in Group 4 is not lost yet but if they continue to be ungrateful, it will become final.

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