Decentralized will work

Decentralized will work

There are approximately eighty thousand unproductive employees working for EU's various institutions. Only in EU's Commission, there are more than thirty thousand employees. All EU institutions are more than seventy, probably seventy six. What a total waste of money, time and effort! Eastern European Group's personnel will be only a small fraction of this monstrosity.

It is a very different mentality and approach, flexible, lean, decentralized, the opposite of EU's rigid, thick, centralized bureaucracy. The only requirement for participation is that countries have EEC (Eastern European Commonwealth) ministries or deputy ministries. The personnel working for the group matters will be spread in all countries and employed by EEC ministries.

There are approximately twenty five countries in Group 4. If we divide the number of EU's unproductive employees by the number of the countries, we get an average of three thousand two hundred employees in each country. It is going to be only a small fraction of this number. The main coordinating body will be the EEC Ministers Council. They will meet regularly.

In addition to this, a Head of States Council may exist. The job will be done by EEC Ministers Council. The Head of States' Council will serve only two purposes. First, so that heads of States get to know each other. Second, some difficult issues could be discussed at the highest level. While the EEC Ministers could meet e.g. once a month or in two months, the heads of states could meet once or twice a year.

An option is to have regions (prefectures, provinces) in the group. If this happens, EEC Ministers in the same region will meet more often. So the regional meetings could be e.g. once a month and the group's meetings once every two months. The meetings could be done in a day or last a few days. When they do not have in person meetings, they will communicate with other ways.

They will use video conferences, email, telephones etc to prepare for the next meeting. If they have prepared thoroughly for the meeting, it is possible to conclude it in one day. In the beginning, that will not be possible since there will be several matters to settle. After most matters have been settled, it is possible that meetings could take one or two days.

When EU started in 1957, there were no personal computers and no Internet. NWO-EU are dinosaurs who have been LEFT BEHIND through TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT. In 1957, long distance communication was only possible by telephone, ordinary mail and telegraph. Information had to be stored in paper. Today it is a whole different situation. Old ways still exist but are only secondary to new ones.

The decentralized, lean, flexible model proposed for Eastern Europe's group, might have difficulties without personal computers and Internet. Because they exist, it will work fine and prove to be a big success. NWO-EU may only understand the error of their ways, when the much better organizational model and economic plan proposed for Eastern Europe succeed.

There may be some NWO-EU dinosaurs unable to adjust. These will become extinct. They believe that eliminating cultures and traditions and making societies of drug addicts and sexual perverts is progress while in reality this is decadence. The new world they envision is a decadent, ugly, dull, oppressive, manipulating, deceitful, exploitative world. Thanks to Anti-NWO, Hell on Earth planned by NWO will not materialize.

In their meetings, EEC ministers will be accompanied by advisors, assistants, employees from their ministries. They should be able to do coordinating tasks. Nevertheless, assisting coordinating bodies could be in the group's capital, or the regions' capitals. These are not necessary but could be useful. As it was mentioned, there are four possibilities regarding capital; a) no capital for group or provinces b) capital only for group c) capital only for provinces d) capital for group and provinces.

Although first option could work, it is preferable that one of the other three options is chosen. If there are capitals for regions, the need for group capital becomes smaller and vice versa. If there is a group capital, the need for region capitals becomes smaller. Nevertheless, there could be capitals for regions AND the group. Perhaps this would be too much. Probably best options would be b and c.

Useless Europarliament will be abolished. It will be replaced by a Europarliament created by national Parliaments with the use of some simple math. Citizens choose those who want to represent them in national elections. There is no need for duplicate representation. National Parliaments vote for all matters. They can voter for the Group's matters as well.

The organizational model and the economic plan were specifically designed for Eastern Europe's group by Anti-NWO's real elite. They are expected to be the norm for most other groups but they would require modifications. Other groups have two options. One is to wait for those to be implemented in Eastern Europe. Some problem areas may have to be corrected. Once they prove to be a success in Eastern Europe, other groups can implement them after they make changes, so they are more suitable for the specific conditions in the Groups.

The other option is to implement them soon, after they make some modifications. Both options have pros and cons. The first option is safer but also has a considerable delay. It will take a few years for the model and the plan to be a success in Eastern Europe. The second option is riskier and harder but faster. It is their choise on which approach to take. Both are reasonable and both have a weak point.

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