Europe’s division criteria

Europe's division criteria

NWO's plan is a total failure and will be abandoned entirely, no matter what. Most likely AntiNWO's compromise solution will be implemented. There is also smaller but significant probability for AntiNWO's prevalence plan. It will be either one of the two AntiNWO's plans and definitely not NWO's plan. AntiNWO's compromise plan specifically and empatically contains division of Europe in two groups.

Two European groups is a very important point of AntiNWO's compromise plan because it solves many problems. This is non-negotiable. It is a red line that can't be crossed but will not be alienation. Groups' composition is negotiabe. There are a few alternatives for the composition of Group 4 which will affect also Group 3. Racial, cultural, economic, historical and other criteria can be used to determine composition for the two groups. Geographic criterion is given.

NWO - EU have created a big deception regarding racial relations in Europe. According to their false narrative, all Northern Europeans are related to Germans and all Southern to French. This is entirely untrue. The correct information could be used for the two groups' composition. All Germanic countries should be together. These are Germany, Dennmark, Sweden, Norway.

All Celtic countries should be together. These are the rest of Western European countries, except Italy, Austria, Finland. Switzerland is German, French and Italian. CELTIC and GERMANIC countries are the CORE of GROUP 3. Celtic and Germanic countries should be together since Celtic countries have also some Germanic ancestry. This is because Germanic tribes moved mainly southwestern, into Celtic territory. 

Dutch, Belgian, French, English have notable Germanic ancestry. Even Welsh, Scottish, Irish have some but less. It is decreasing more in Spanish and Portuguese. In Italians (Latin people), it is also very small, although Lombards were a Germanic tribe and Lombardia is named after them. Slavic ancestry is more but small. Probably it is because there are countries close to Italy that have high Slavic percentages.

Italians come mainly from Romans but their Latin ancestry if far below 100% because they have mixed with other tribes. They are the only real Latin people because Romans were only in Italy. French, Spanish and Portuguese are Latin languages but there were Celts living in the territories that these countries include. French come from Gauls who were Celts. In Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) Celtiberians dwelled before Roman conquest.

Italy is racially different from the rest of the countries that are erroneously considered "Latin" because they speak Latin laguages. Their languages are Latin but not the people because they do not descent from Romans but mainly from Celts. On the other hand, Italians have some racial proximity with Hellenes. As geographically, racially Italy is between France and Hellas, so they could go either way, with Group 3 or 4.

Finland can also go either way. Finnish have high percentage of Uralo-Finnic Siberian gene N. Lower but relatively high is Nordic (Germanic) gene which is high in Sweden and Norway. Uralo-Finnic Siberian gene N is relatively high in Baltic countries and Russia which are mainly Slavic. Baltic countries have to be with Russia, according to racial criterion. Austria has to be with Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Poland has to be with Belarus, Ukraine and Russia because they are the most Slavic countries.

Of course there are other criteria for Europe's division. Ancestral or racial criterion is only one of them. Probably economic criterion is more important. Although Austria fits better with Eastern Europe according to racial criterion, it has high per capita income and with economic criterion it should be in Group 3. Finland's income is lower but is still probably better suited in Group 3.

In the original composition for Group 4, German Wannabes (Czech Republic, Poland, Baltic countries) were included. This is the best option according to both racial and economic criterion. But swapping Italy with German Wannabes is also a good alternative* because with racial and economic criterion, Italy could go either way. They are both good options, probably the original is better with racial, income and geographic criteria.

There are other criteria as well. Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus had very close relations. So the countries that come from them have to be together. Balkan countries come from Byzantine Empire and Ukraine, Russia, Belarus from Kievan Rus. These have to be in the same group. Byzantium was Greco-Thraco-Illyrian. Even at the end of Hellenistic period, Hellenes (Greeks), Thracians and Illyrians had mingled and mixed a lot.

Thracians more and Illyrians less were hellenized. Byzantium's civilization was Hellenistic and language was Hellenic. During Buzantine era that lasted more than a thousand years, Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians mingled and mixed even more. Thracians and Illyrians became more hellenized. Additionally, Slavs moved into Byzantiums territory in large numbers.

They mingled and mixed with Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians. So, towards the end of the Empire, Byzantium's inhabitants was a mixture of Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians and Slavs. Hellas is the country that carries more weight of Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Byzantine heritage. This is because today there is no country Thrace or Illyria, only Hellas. Also in Byzantium, civilization was Hellenistic and language Hellenic.

Hellas should be the strongest advocate of Balkan countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus being together in the same group. Unfortunately excactly the opposite happens. Hellas is one of Russia's biggest adversaries, the treasonous governments, not the people. This is because pro - EU traitors have been in power for many decades. Almost all of them come from families that were Nazi collaborators. They are Celtic and Germanic NWO's puppets that betray and deceive Greek people.

With racial, economic and historical criteria, Balkan countries and Ukraine, Russia, Belarus should constitute the core of Group 4. BYZANTINE and RUS countries are the CORE of GROUP 4. To these Hungary and Slovakia should also be added since their territory was Thracian and Illyrian land. Albania and Bosnia are Balkan countries but they may not be in the core of Group 4. Most likely they will participate although they may start as trading partners. The same could happen with Ukraine and Moldova.

The core countries are certain for Group 4. Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Baltic countries, Finland can go either way, participate either in Group 3 or 4. For Austira and Finland, chances of participation in Group 4 are small, mainly for economic reasons. The rest of Western Europe are Germanic and Celtic countries, the core for Group 3, certainly will be part of it. UK, Norway, Switzerland could be trading partners! It will be explained in another article.

Participation of German Wannabes is probably the best alternative for Group 4 and that was AntiNWO's original composition. Italian alternative is also a good option because Italy can go either way. It will benefit Italy tremendously. AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs to make a wise decision. Eventually it will have to be either German Wannabes or Italy that will participate in Group 4.

To these other countries could be added. Possible candidates are Turkiye, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, other Caspian countries, Israel. Candidacy is not limited only to these. Any country that is next to the Group could request to become a member or a trading partner. For each applicant, members would have to decide. One condition is that groups should have roughly equal population.

Benefits with Italy   Style is needed   Italy’s rational decision

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