EU’s racial deception

EU's racial deception

German Wannabes (Czech Republic, Poland, Baltic countries) strongly opposed their participation in Eastern European Group 4. Not only they want to be Germans but probably many of them think that they are racially related to Germans which is completely incorrect. Again NWO - EU is behind this deception. Eastern Europe is much different than Western in terms of ancestry, culture, mentality.

German Wannabes are not the only ones deceived. In Hellas ( Greece) there are many idiots who believe that they are racially related to French. This is entirely untrue. For whatever awkward and twisted reasons, NWO - EU decided that Germany and France would lead EU. Germany would be leader of Northern Europe while France would be leader of Southern Europe. So NWO's vicious cabal created this completely false narrative.

These monsters make their own reality, as it suits them. They are true masters of deception. According to their false narrative, Northern Europeans are related to Germans and Southern Europeans to French. This of course is a big deception like most NWO - EU claims. Northern Europeans are lighter and Southern are darker but this is due to climate, exposure to less or more sunlight for centuries.

It doesn't mean that all Northern Europeans are racially related and so are all Southern Europeans. France isn't even a Southern European country. Only Southern France, the coastal Mediterranean area could be considered part of Southern Europe. French are close racially to Belgians, Dutch and English, not to Greeks and Italians. Germans are close to Dannish and then to Swedish and Norwegians, not to German Wannabes.

In order to understand ancestry in Europe two things are needed to know a) initial location of tribes b) movement of tribes in large numbers. Initially, Slavs were located in northern Eastern Europe, around Belarus. Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians were in the southern part, as far north as Slovakia and Southern Ukraine. Germanic tribes were in Northern Germany, Denmark and the southern shores of Norway and Sweden. Roman tribes were in Italy. In the rest of Western Europe, there were Celts.

Germanic tribes movement was mainly southwestern while Slavic tribes moved mainly southwards. In all Western Europe there is some Germanic ancestry while in Eastern Europe some Slavic ancestry. Slavs moved in larger numbers, so Slavic ancestry is larger in non-Slavic Eastern Europe compared to Germanic ancestry in non-Germanic Western Europe. Non-Slavic and non-Germanic are defined based on original location.

There is little Roman ancestry all over most Europe, in the area that was Roman Empire. It is not much though because Romans sent troops but did not migrate in large numbers. So whatever ancestry is due to the troops that were sent. Roman troops were not only from Rome but from all over Roman Empire and that makes Roman ancestry even smaller. Romans were not related at all to Celts.

Western Europe has mainly Celtic and Germanic ancestry. Germanic is in Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Celtic everywhere else, except Italy, Austria, Finland. Austrians speak German but have very little Germanic ancestry. They are closer to Eastern Europeans. Languages and names of countries can be misleading. English are called English and speak English but they are not English racially.

Anglo - Saxons were Germanic tribes that conquered a region of British isles. They named it England and established their language but the local Celtic population was much larger in numbers and prevailed racially. English are racially close to French, Belgian and Dutch on one side and Welsh, Scottish and Irish on the other. English are more Germanic than the rest of the Britons but are mainly Celtic, not Germanic.

Latin was the language of ancient Romans. French, Spanish and Portuguese are Latin languages like Italian but the people in these countries are not Latin, they have mainly Celtic ancestry. All the countries that speak Spanish or Portuguese in America are called Latin but the people are not Latin. Italians are the only real Latin people and are not much racially related to the rest of Western Europeans. Their Germanic ancestry is minimal. Slavic is more but small.

Hellenes (Greeks) have some racial proximity to Italians not only due to Roman conquest of Hellas during Roman Empire era. Mainly it is because Hellenes had colonies in Italy's southern part since ancient times. Also in later times, after Byzantine era, a large part of Hellas was under Venetian rule. Italians are probably closer racially to Hellenes than to French.

Not only European tribes but also West Siberian tribes are ancestors of today's Europeans. This is in Eastern Europe, where Uralaltaic tribes moved in large numbers. First Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Bulgarian came from Western Siberia. Of course today's populations are much different racially because through the centuries they mixed with other tribes.

Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian are Uralic languages. Bulgarian is a Slavic language that is close to Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, North Macedonian. Today's Bulgarians are 45-50% Slavic while today's Hungarians are 35-40% Slavic. Hungarians and Bulgarians have some Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry. We mentioned that in Southern Europe, as far north as Slovakia and Southern Ukraine, people have some Greco-Thaco-Illyrian ancestry.

We will clarify how racial mix is with two examples. In Hellas there is 25% Slavic ancestry. So someone's ancestry in Greece could be; a) Hellenic (ancient) 40% b) Slavic 25% c) Thracian 15% d) Illyrian 10% e) Uralaltaic 5% f) rest 5%. In Bulgaria, someone's ancestry could be; a) Slavic 45% b) Thracian 20% c) Hellenic (ancient) 15% d) Uralaltaic 10% e) Illyrian 5% f) rest 5%.

These are only examples, not results of scientific research. They are only shown to demonstrate how racial mix could be. Racial mix is not the same in one country, it varies. For instance, in Hellas 25% Slavic ancestry is average. It is different in various regions. In the southern and southeastern part (Crete - Dodecanese) it is estimated to 10%. In other areas it can go up to 35 % or 40%.

The conclusion is that NWO - EU made another fake narrative, as it suited them. The truth is not what they claim. German Wannabes are very far racially from Germans. Baltic countries are close racially to Russians. Poland is close to Belarus, Ukraine and Russia since these four are the most Slavic countries. Czech Republic is close to Slovakia, Hungary and Austria and far from Germany.

Hellenes are very far racially from French and Spanish. Even Italians are not close to French and Spanish. Italian and Spanish languages are truly very similar but not the people. Italians are probably closer to Hellenes than to French and Spanish but Hellenes are closer to some Balkan countries. Austrians are much closer to Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks than to Germans. All these true information could assist the compositions of Groups 3 and 4.

People should preserve their ancestral and cultural heritage. First they need to know what they are, who their ancestors were and be proud of that. Otherwise anybody can deceive them, like NWO - EU do. German Wannabes should not strive to become like Germans but to reach and surpass Germany's per capita income. This can only happen if they are in a different group from Germany.

Eastern Europe’s parts   Two Europes   European tribes’ mix   No European family   Byzantium was not Roman

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