Extended Eastern Europe

Extended Eastern Europe

In NWO's fawlty plan, Russia is placed in Asian Union. That has created the situation in Ukraine and many more problems. A large part of Ukraine's population are Russians. The two larger ethnic groups in Ukraine are Russians and Poles. There are also some Belarusians, Moldovans, Tatars, Bulgarians, Romanians, Greeks etc.

There is confusion created because many of Polish or Russian descent self - identify as Ukrainians while there is not such a thing in terms of origin. They are Ukrainian citizens but there is no Ukrainian nation. This same confusion is found in other places as well. Many people in Cyprus self - identify as Cypriots. There is no Cyprian nation, there are Greeks (Hellenes) and Turks.

Russia has very close ties with many Eastern European countries, not just Ukraine. NWO's placement of Russia in Asian Union, shows how much uneducated and thoughtless these people are. They probably have university degrees but they do not have broad education. For example, those that are lawyers know only law and nothing else. The same holds for other professions, NWO's vicious cabal has.

According to NWO's twisted thinking, Russia should be in Asian Union because it has a large part in Asia. Let' explain how this occured, something obviously NWO's vicious cabal does not know. First of all, Europe is not a continent. Eurasia is the continent. Since ancient times, Eurasia's western smaller part was called Europe and the eastern larger part was called Asia. The borders between Europe and Asia are conventional and disputable. The most acceptable borders are Urals, Caucasus, Black Sea, Agean Sea.

Russians, Belarusians, Russian Ukrainians come from Kievan Rus. They are mostly of slavic origin. Slavs originated from today's Belarus. This is probably why Belarus has the highest slavic percentage (70%) and neighboring Poland the next highest. Slavs migrated to all Eastern Europe and settled even in today's Greece (Hellas) which has 25% slavic percentage. Slavic percentages are generally* higher in the northern part of Eastern Europe and decrease as we move to the south.

Russia was entirely in Eastern Europe for many centuries. At the end of 16th century, Russia started to annex parts of Siberia where mostly nomads lived. In today's Russia, 75% of the population lives in the european part and 85% of those who live in asian part are of european origin. All the big cities are in the european part.

Anti - NWO's compromise solution is not restricted by continental boundaries. Various factors are taken into consideration for composing the groups; historical, cultural, racial, economic, geographical, political. Eastern Europe's group does not have to be entirely in Eastern Europe. Eastern and Western Europe's borders are conventional and to a large extent undisputable.

It is very clear which countries are Eastern European and which countries are Western European. The only exceptions are Austria and Finland. Usually they are placed in Western Europe. In economic terms that is were they belong but racially they are closer to Eastern Europe. Greece (Hellas) is clearly in Eastern Europe but during the communist era, it was not part of the Eastern Bloc.

The original version for Eastern Europe's group included twenty six countries. Twenty of them are entirely in Eastern Europe; Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia. With Russia, they comprise Eastern Europe.

Cyprus is entirely in Asia but inhabitants are Greeks. Georgia and Armenia are right at Eastern Europe's border with Asia and Christian like most of Eastern Europe. Turkey has a european part with a population of 10 million. People in today's Turkey, come partly from Byzantium's inhabitants, since that area was in Byzantine Empire.

Byzantium's territory changed throughout the centuries but it always included Balkans and Minor Asia which is a large part of today's Turkey. That is why today's Turks are a little related racially to the Balkans. Also Turkey applied to become a member of European Union in 1987. The only country of the group that does not seem to fit, is Israel. There are important political reasons. In terms of geography, Israel belongs in group 5. That would be awkward for Israel and Arabs as well.

So, it was placed in the neighboring group 4 of Eastern Europe. It is close to Cyprus and Turkey. That is the important reason for including Israel in Group 4 of Eastern Europe. There is also a minor reason which was not the determining factor. Most Israelis come from Eastern Europe. Jews from Western Europe and USA did not relocate to Israel. Eastern European Jews have lived in Eastern Europe for centuries. It is obvious that they have mixed with the local populations. They should be to some extent racially related to Eastern Europeans.

Israel's participation in group 4 of Eastern Europe was certain before the war in Gaza. It is not certain anymore and as the situation worsens, the chances become lower. Group 4 of Eastern Europe will not damage relations with neighboring muslim groups 5 and 8 because of Israel. Nevertheless, Israel's participation is still possible. Because of the war in Gaza, it has become even more difficult to be included in Group 5.

Under the guidance of Germany and France, Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries strongly opposed the original version of Group 4. So, Italy's solution came up. Italy is clearly not an Eastern European country but has borders with it. They are somehow racially related to Greeks (Hellenes) although Greeks are racially closer to the other Balkan countries and even Hungarians.

Anti - NWO's grouping if more flexible than NWO's grouping. Italy could be in Group 4 and this will be an enormous economic boost for them. Most likely this is not going to happen. The other option for Group 4 is the Caspian solution. Caspian countries are in Asia, racially Asian and Muslim. They are related to Russia and Turkey.

They were part of Russian Empire, Soviet Union and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). First Turks were Asian race and racially very closely related to Caspian countries. Nevertheless, the Caspian alternative is the least homogeneous option for Group 4. Anti - NWO strived to achieve maximum possible homogeneity in the groups.

The most homogeneous alternative was the original option. Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries opposed it. They think that they are Western Europeans while they are mostly Slavs. Once ISIS - K realizes that they are the obstacle to the original composition of Group 8 (Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Caspian countries) they will persuade them with their usual methods.

* Croatia, Bulgaria and Serbia are southern of Hungary but have higher percentages. Baltic countries are northern of Belarus and Poland but have lower percentages. 

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