Fixing NWO’s mess

Fixing NWO's mess

NWO's failure is gigantic. The international situation is extremely critical. With NWO, things are going really bad and they will get much worse, more chaos, more problems, more wars, more economic discomfort, a possibility for a World War and the end of the World. Anti - NWO can fix all this mess. So, voters shouldn't vote strictly on ideological grounds. Their first criterion should be the repairment of the international mess which affects all countries.

This criterion should count a lot and ideological disagreements should be overlooked once or twice. NWO has been in charge for decades and created global chaos. In addition they were not able to provide solutions for important problems they did not create. Anti - NWO needs only one or two terms to fix things. It is nothing compared to the many decades NWO spend to produce global chaos.

One side of this issue has to do with voters. Voters should let Anti - NWO fix things, even if they have a different ideology. Fixing the mess NWO created is much more important than ideological rivalry. After Anti - NWO corrects this big mess, ideological rivalry can continue for ever. The other side has to do with Anti - NWO's politicians.

Probably Anti - NWO will be given the chance to fix NWO's mess. If this happens, Anti - NWO's politicians have to realize that some voters are putting them in charge, not for ideological reasons but in order to resolve all the problems and the issues NWO was not able to. There are two ways voters can give them the chance to fix things a) by voting for them b) by not voting for NWO opponent parties. So Anti - NWO's politicians main concern should be to provide solutions to the problems.

Problems with NWO are in four broad categories a) grouping of countries b) global coordination c) EU's model d) other international issues they were not able to solve. The way grouping is done by NWO has many shortcomings. Anti - NWO's real elite made all the corrections that were possible and came up with the grouping in compromise solution.

NWO still gets a lot of what was in their insane plan. Instead of American Union, there is North American Group 1 and South Central American Group 2. Instead of European Union, there is Western European Group 3 and Eastern European Group 4. There will be relations among groups. So it is possible that any two groups will make such agreements that they will be almost like one group.

Europe should be viewed in the context of international grouping. It has to be divided in two groups for several reasons that have been explained thoroughly in previous articles. Some Anti - NWO politicians are not fully aligned with Europe's division in two parts. They must remember that voters want solutions. If Europe is not divided, they will not provide solutions, which is their main mission.

Anti - NWO's real elite examined several grouping options. The one in compromise solution is by far the best overall alternative. There is also possibility for fine tuning, small adjustments in groups' composition. The ten groups presented in compromise plan do not have to be precisely like this but broadly. Adjustments in one group affect other groups' composition and population. The ten groups should have approximately equal populations and be as homogeneous as possible.

Several composition alternatives are presented for Group 4. Something similar can be done in any group. China and India are separately because their population is equal to three groups. There is possibility though for four group coalitions; a) China + 1 group b) India + 1 group c) 4 groups d) 4 groups. These coalitions will resemble NWO's four pseudo - continental unions.

They will have approximately two billion population with today's numbers. So coalitions will have equal population while in NWO's insane plan there are big differences among pseudo - continental unions in terms of population. Group coalitions are not mandatory but optional and so are subgroups, further divisions inside the groups. Instead of a global government, there is a 10+2 Council for global matters ONLY.

EU's model is extremely malfunctioning. It will become less malfunctioning when Group 4 countries exit. Anti - NWO's grouping will assist EU's model but it will stil be defective. Anti - NWO created a much better organizational model for groups. Unlike NWO, Anti - NWO doesn't make this mandatory. It is expected though that most groups will adopt it and make the required adjustments, according to the specific conditions inside each group.

The war in Ukraine was a result of NWO's disastrous grouping. There are other international problems that NWO did not create but was unable to solve. Examples are Palestinian and Cypriot conflict. Anti - NWO has solutions for these kind of problems as well. All Anti - NWO needs is two terms maximum to fix all the problems. So Anti - NWO should be given these two terms. Anti - NWO's politicians should always keep in mind what their main job is.

What voters expect from them, those that have the same ideology and those that have different. Anti - NWO needs to provide solutions, to fix the big mess NWO will leave. All the plans are ready by Anti - NWO's real elite. Politicians need to make the required minor adjustments, the fine tuning and implement them. Plans are more than half of the success but success in fixing NWO's mess has not occurred yet.

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