Italy vs German Wannabes

Italy vs German Wannabes

Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (German Wannabes) were originally included in Eastern European Group 4. They strongly opposed their participation, under the guidance of Germany and France because Germanic and Celtic countries want to control Slavic land. This created a great opportunity for Italy to take German Wannabes' place in Group 4, since they have approximately the same population.

It is great opportunity for Italy because if they are in Group 4, they will have much higher growth rates and much more autonomy. This does not hold only for Italy but for all the countries in Group 4. All countries will have much higher growth rates and much more autonomy, compared to EU or Western European Group 3. It is possible for Italy to participate in Group 4 for various reasons.

First of all, it is the geographic location. It is not possible for Spain and Portugal to be in Group 4 because they are located on the western side of Europe. Celtic and Germanic countries are the core of Group 3. Italy is not a Celtic or a Germanic country, it is the only real Latin country because only Italians come from Romans. French come from Gauls and Iberians (Spanish-Portuguese) from Celtiberians.

French and Iberians speak Latin Languages but come mostly from Celts, their countries are mainly Celtic. This is another reason Spain and Portugal can not participate in Group 4. They should be together with the rest of Celtic countries, France, Belgium, Holland, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland. Italy can go either way, with Celtic and Germanic countries or with Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Slavic countries.

Income is also another factor. After Portugal and Spain, Italy is the poorest country in Western Europe. Also. it has economic problems, low growth rates and high debt. During 2013-2021, Italy and Hellas (Greece) had growth rates close to 0%. For Italy it was slightly negative and for Hellas slightly positive. Hellas is EU's disaster. All other Eastern European countries will be economically ruined like Hellas, after some years in EU and Eurozone. 

Italy's government debt is not far from that in EU's disaster Hellas. In Hellas it is 177% of GDP and in Italy 144% of GDP. Hellas has the highest debt in Europe and the second highest in the world. Italy has the second highest in Europe and the fifth highest in the world. Also Italy is probably the most damaged country due to EU participation. Since 1981, the most damaged is Hellas but Italy's damage started 23 years earlier, in 1958. Participating in Group 4 is a great opportunity for Italy.

In this way, Italy will solve economic problems and have high growth rates. It will surpass Germany's per capita income very soon and afterwards it will become much richer. If Italians make a rational decision, they will choose to participate in Group 4. On the other hand, if German Wannabes make a rational decision, they will select to be part of Group 4 as well. They want to be Germans which is not only extremely treasonous but also very stupid.

Instead of trying to be Germans, they should strive to reach and surpass Germany's income. That will never happen if they are in the same group with Germany, in EU or Group 3. It will only happen in Group 4 because this is the only way they can have high growth rates. Instead of trying so hard to be poor fake Germans in Group 3, they should try to be rich original Poles, Czechs, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians in Group 4.

AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs to make a rational decision and this is not a deception like NWO does. It is very honest because there is no urgency regarding this matter. It is urgent though that certain countries spin-off EU and form a subgroup of Group 4. These countries are Hellas, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia. Concurrently Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia will form an official or unofficial second subgroup.

Then, the two subgroups will merge and be the starting countries or the core of Group 4. Starting countries will determine to a large extent how the group will be. They will lay out the foundation for the Group. So if Italy eventually participates, it is to their benefit to be in the starting group, in order to influence important decisions that will lay out the grounds for Group 4.

There is another pitfall for Italy though. German Wannabes have not lost their right to participate in Group 4. If German Wannabes make a rational decision sooner, then the opportunity for Italy will be lost. AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs but if German Wannabes come first, time will be over for Italy. The same is also true for German Wannabes, if Italy comes first.

Currently, German Wannabes have not lost their option to participate in Group 4. But if Italy makes a rational decision sooner than them, they will not have that right anymore. Can't both Italy and German Wannabes participate in Group 4? No due to population restrictions. All groups must have roughly equal populations. So it will be either Italy or German Wannabes that will participate in Group 4. In this matter, they are rivals.

For the time being, German Wannabes do not show any intention to be in Group 4, especially Poland and Estonia. This may change in the future if different people come to power, not traitors or ignorants. "First come first served" rule applies. To be precise, in the case of Italy vs German Wannabes, it is "first come served and second not served". Those that come second will lose a great opportunity to participate in Group 4.

For Group 4 and AntiNWO both alternatives are good. German Wannabes are Slavic countries, although they want to be Germans. Also they are poorer than Italy. In that sense, they fit better in Group 4. On the other hand, Italy can bring something that is needed, style. If Italy doesn't participate, Group 4 will hire style from elsewhere. So Italy's participation is not necessary but could be helpful for the Group.

There are pros and cons for each alternative in both sides. There are pros and cons for the Group with Italy or German Wannabes but there are also pros and cons for Italy and German Wannabes. Group 4 will do well in both cases. Italy or German Wannabes may lose a great opportunity, if the rival side in this issue comes first. Only those that come first will be served (participate) and those that come second will be left out.

AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs, probably ten, twenty or more years. But perhaps German Wannabes will not give Italy much time, if they come first and seriously express their willingness to participate in Group 4. The opposite can also happen. This is an important point for Italy and German Wannabes as well. Even though AntiNWO and Group 4 give them plenty of time, the rival part in this issue may not give them much time at all.

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