Love for Eastern Europe?

Love for Eastern Europe?

EU and NWO are Western European creations. The idea originates from Crusades. The Union would include the countries that PARTICIPATED in CRUSADES which were ONLY WESTERN EUROPEAN. Later it was extended to include all Europe. Napoleon was Robespierre's henchman and rose through the ranks of Jacobins. They instructed him to conquer Europe and establish a European Union under France's rule.

Afterwards, it was extended again to include the whole world. Hitler's goal was European Socialist Union under the rule of Germany - Italy and a World Socialist Dictatorship under the rule of Axis. NWO-EU are a continuation of the Nazis. Nazis' New World was the same as NWO's. NWO's vicious cabal aim to establish a World Dictatorship. They want to deceive, brainwash, exploit and suppress the people of the World.

Luckily, Nazis lost World War II. They were prosecuted and sentenced. Ten were executed and one committed suicide. Unfortunately, those semi-secret circles (vicious cabal) in Western Europe that were behind the Nazis and brought them to power remained intact. So they made some changes in their plan and continued to pursue their goal, European and Global Dictatorship, via EU and NWO.

After Nazis were defeated, Cold War started. The plan for European Union came back to the original version, only Western Europe. All Eastern Europe was in Communist Bloc, except Hellas (Greece). We will have another article about this total disaster. For almost half century, Eastern Europeans were Western Europe's rivals or the enemy. After the Fall of Communism in 1989, NWO's insane plan started being implemented.

According to that madness, all Eastern Europe would be in EU, except Russia. NWO's plan failed and EU failed. AntiNWO fixed all the problems NWO created and those that they did not create but were not able to solve. Europe's division in two groups is an important and non negotiable point in AntiNWO's plan. This is the only way problems would be solved.

If separation does not happen, many problems will still remain. It has been explained very thoroughly in many previous articles. People in Europe and all over the world want solutions to their problems. AntiNWO can bring peace and prosperity in Europe and all over the world. AntiNWO will bring rapid development in all Groups that are less developed, including Eastern Europe.

NWO's plan is a big failure. EU has to be seen in the context of international grouping. EU is a big failure. EU is the organizational model that NWO wants to use in all other three pseudo-continental Unions, American, Asian, African. Western European NWO wants to spread their fairure all over the world. They are only 5% of the world's population. NWO-EU are Western European creations and should be contained only in Western Europe. They should fix their mess, instead of spreading it everywhere.

In AntiNWO's plan, Groups can do whatever they want internally. AntiNWO will assist each group develop a unique group organization and a unique economic plan, based on those for Group 4. This is optional, only for Groups that want. The rest can do whatever they desire. AntiNWO is letting Western Europeans have their own Western European Union and do whatever they want inside their group.

When EEC STARTED in 1957, it was supposed to include ONLY WESTERN EUROPEAN countries, LIKE in the ORIGINAL VERSION of the CRUSADES. Eastern Europe was the rival side, the Communist Bloc. Actually, EEC and EU gained support so that they could be the rival Union of USSR and NATO could be ther rival of Warsaw Pact. AntiNWO is letting Western Europeans have what they initially were planning after World War II and during the Crusades.

The two European Groups could have very close relations by making all kinds of agreements. Eastern Europe could have rapid development and after some time could reach the economic level of Western Europe. But Western European NWO can not let Eastern Europe be separate. Why do they insist so much to be in the same group with Eastern Europe? It is very strange and something that requires special attention.

We should keep in mind that Eastern Europe is very different racially and culturally. Eastern European are not Germanic, Celtic or Latin countries. They are Slavic and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian in the southern part. In History, Eastern and Western Europe had very different routes. It was not only during Communist era but at least since the division of Roman Empire in 3rd century AD and probably long before that.

Why do Western Europeans (NWO) have so much unlimited and uncontrollable love for Eastern Europe? That is something Eastern Europeans should think very carefully. They are racially and culturally different. They had very different routes for at least 16-17 centuries. They were the enemy for half century, during Communist era. They have been in EU for twenty or less years. Some countries are not even in EU yet.

And now Western Europeans can not be without out them? They are willing to risk going to jail and having their fortune confiscated. They are willing to risk a World War happening and the World coming to an end. And all these for what? Just for the enormous love they feel for Eastern Europeans? Is this love really so strong or is it something else? Why can't they let Eastern Europe be independent and prosper?

Is it because they care so much for Eastern Europeans who used to be the enemy till the end of 1980's? All of a sudden, in twenty years or less, Western Europeans developed and enormous affection for them (except Russia). They just can't be in a Group without Eastern Europeans. They desperately need to have Eastern Europeans with them. Only very stupid people in Eastern Europe can believe that Western Europeans (NWO) care so much about them.

They are willing to risk so many things for this great love. Eastern Europeans must be smart and understand that it is not love but something fishy (suspicious) here. Perhaps they want to have Eastern Europe as their colony since they kicked them out of all their colonies in Africa, Asia and America. Or it may be something more vicious and twisted which is definitely not beneficial but harmful for Eastern Europeans.

EU will not go on as planned because it is a huge failure. It is meaningless to prolong a failure. Since eventually there will be two groups in Europe, It is better for both groups to be formed the sooner possible and deal with their issues, their group organization, their economic plan, their relations with other groups. Western Europeans should fix their mess, instead of wanting to spread it all over the world.

Someone could argue that Eastern European countries do not need permission to exit EU and form a separate group. Why do Western Europeans have to agree? Western Europeans have established treasonous political and mass media systems in many Eastern European countries. These traitors deceive people that they benefit from their country's participation in EU, while in reality, they are harmed.

There are some in Eastern Europe that are not Western Europe's puppets but erroneously believe that their countries benefit. These are ignorant and/or stupid. They should read our articles. Eastern Europeans have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose if the form a separate Group. Close relations could be established between the two groups with all kinds of agreements, provided that these are mutually beneficial.

Make a clean start   All benefit   Levels of relations   Two European poles   Byzantium was not Roman

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