Many ways of division

Many ways of division

There was an article regarding the possibility of provinces (prefectures, regions) inside the Groups. We need to explain a little further this matter. In Eastern Europe's organizational model and economic plan, there are detailed explanations of this and many other topics. Here, we present some points of these, in not so much detail. Some other points will be explained in later articles and quite a few points will never become public because they are confidential.

It is not necessary for a group to have provinces but it is possible. These regions could be spatially consecutive or non consecutive. If they are consecutive, there will be no interruption. An example of a possible consecutive division was given in the previous article. The countries that are reluctant to be in Eastern European Group form a province inside the group.

These countries are Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. This is the Northwestern part of the group. To their province, Slovakia could be added. The other two provinces could be Byzantine and Rus. Rus will include Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Byzantine the remaining countries. These three are not equal in terms of population. Rus has the highest, followed by Byzantine. Northwestern has the lowest.

Is it possible to make these three provinces approximately equal in terms of population? Yes it is. This is shown in Table A of Appendix 3. Rus province includes only Russia and Belarus. Still it has 36% of the population. Byzantine province has 33% and the third one 31%. Although Romania should be in Byzantine region, it is placed in Northwestern. Likewise, Ukraine is placed in that province, in order to make the provinces' populations approximately equal.

Is it possible for the three provinces to have the same population? No, because of Russia's large population and the fact that it has to be with Belarus. It could be possible though to form two provinces that have the same population, a Northern and a Southern. This is shown in table B of Appendix 3. The two provinces have almost equal populations.

Israel is included because this was the original plan. After the war in Gaza, its participation in Group 4 is questionable. The other two alternatives for Israel are to be placed in Group 3 or be a USA territory and participate in Group 1. Azerbaijan could be in Group 4. It has approximately equal population with Israel. So instead of Israel, Azerbaijan could be used in the tables.

Also there are other alternatives for the Group's composition. We use the original composition as an example. This does not mean that is has to be like that. Cyprus most likely will be annexed to Greece (Hellas). So this will bring Greece's population a little higher. Montenegro is even smaller than Cyprus. It will probably be part of Serbia - Montenegro state, as it used to be.

There are thirteen Eastern European countries in EU; Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania. Thirteen more countries from Group 4 are not in EU; Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Israel.

So, two non - consecutive groups could be formed with EU ex - members and non members. There will be a transitory period for the countries that leave EU. For a while, things will remain as they were in EU in order to have smoother transition. After this period, they will change to Eastern Europe's organizational model and economic plan.

It is possible to have dynamic division inside Group 4. It makes sense to have the two groups mentioned above, until things settle down and later switch to another way of dividing the Group into provinces. So for a while, the two provinces inside the Group could be a) EU ex-members b) non EU members. Afterwards they could implement some other way of forming prefectures.

Another non consequtive division could be based on per capita income (ppp). The order from richest to poorest is approximately; Cyprus, Israel Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Hellas, Turkey, Russia, Latvia, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, Belarus, N. Macedonia, Georgia, Bosnia, Albania, Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine.

We say approximately because different sources give slightly different order. So, two, three or more non-consecutive provinces could be formed. These could have approximately equal populations, although this is not necessary. Generally it is not necessary to have provinces with equal populations. It is not even necessary to have provinces inside the Groups. This is only an option.

Anti-NWO formed relatively homogeneous Groups with approximately equal populations, in the compromise solution. What the Groups will do internally is their business. They could divide into provinces or not. There are consecutive and non-consecutive ways of division. There could be two, three or more provinces. These could have approximately equal populations or not.

Anti-NWO's real elite has everything ready for Eastern Europe. Of course, they should make some choices. Also they could make modification, although this is not necessary. Even if they do not make any changes, the organizational model and the economic plan will prove to be a success and the norm for most other groups. Why is there such a long delay?

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