NWO already lost
NWO already lost
In a previous article we claimed that it is 100% certain NWO will be defeated. We got some comments that it is only wishful thinking. Well, it is not wishful thinking but the truth. It will become evident more and more in future articles but even at this point we are able to support it. NWO has already lost but it will take sometime for this to happen.
NWO controls some of the information flow but not all. They control many media in many countries. They do not control all media in all countries because this is impossible. They control part of Internet but they do not control all internet. Even if they controlled all media and all internet in all countries, they would not control all information flow.
During Nazi occupation in Europe, information was transfered verbally and with leaflets and notes. In addition to that, today we have email, messaging, video and audio conferences, dark web etc. Since NWO has not occupied the World yet like the Nazis, mail and telephones can be used with caution. Nevertheless, there is a part of media and a large part of the Internet not controlled by NWO.
NWO controlled some of main social media platforms. They would bring down anything the did not like, as Joseph Goebels and Walther Funk did in Nazi Germany. They would allow only their truth which was actually big lies. So, new social media platforms and browsers (see below) were created and some of the previous ones were bought by new owners. The new social media plattforms have not reached the size of previous ones. Some of them are actually struggling to survive.
Nevertheless, they facilitate information flow. Many people kept their accounts / profiles in main social media platforms for whatever reasons but also have accounts in newer platforms, to find the truth. Readers are strongly encouraged to do the same. A list is below. If all these people deleted their accounts in main platforms, these will suffer a big blow. So, censoring plattforms decreased censorship because they were losing accounts. Do not forget, there is also the Darknet.
All it takes for Anti - NWO, is to use every possible way, so that the truth will reach as many people as possible. A certain strategy is required. In Informative campaign, a brief summary of the strategy was given. That is not the strategy which is several pages. That is an article about Anti - NWO's information flow strategy in less than two A4 pages.
Information did not reach Khorasan although they do have internet in the region. Because of this, Western Europe's (or Weimar Triangle's) NWO, managed to manipulate ISIS - K. They (ISIS - K) have probably been already informed or it will happen relatively soon. They will turn against those who fooled them and those who are an obstacle to the solid Muslim groups foreseen in Anti - NWO's compromise solution.
Anti - NWO realized several years ago that it was not enough only to oppose NWO' plan. Anti - NWO had to come up with a better plan. Actually Anti - NWO created two plans. The compromise plan is much better than NWO's plan. Prevalence plan is even better but unlikely that NWO will accept it because there is no provision in it to partly satisfy NWO. It is already very hard to make them accept the compromise plan.
All people in their right minds will see that Anti - NWO's plan is superior to NWO's. Actually there is no comparison between the two plans. It is like day (Anti - NWO plan) and night (NWO plan). So, Anti - NWO will gain massive support because it's superior plan will get massive support. NWO will be left only with hardliners, sellouts, crazy and very stupid people.
NWO's conspiracy is an alliance of some groups. These groups are a very small percentage of all the population. When the truth comes out, people that do not belong in these groups, will support Anti - NWO. They are definitely above 80% and most likely above 90%. NWO has created a pseudoelite comprised from the groups in NWO's alliance. Real elite realizes that they have been pushed aside for the creation of NWO's pseudoelite and are joining Anti - NWO in large masses. In a battle between real elite and pseudoelite, who do you think is going to win?
NWO's vicious cabal are Jacobins' and Nazis' continuators. More about these psychopaths will be presented in future articles. NWO has similar attitude and uses many of their methods. All it takes is infomration to flow via channels not controlled by NWO and reach a large audience. When people realize what NWO really is and that Anti - NWO has not only one but two superior plans, they will support Anti - ΝWO in overwhelming percentages.
All these will become even more obvious in future articles. NWO has already lost. It will take sometime for Anti - NWO's victory to materialize. NWO's best alternative is compromise. They should rush to accept Anti - NWO's compromise solution. Because when Anti - NWO prevails, NWO's vicious cabal will be tried in court and sent to prison, as happened with Nazis. They have done some horrible things and they know very well about them, better than anyone else.
Alternative social media platforms and browsers ; Parler Gab MeWe CloutHub Truthsocial Gettr Telegram Signal Discord Rumble Bitchute Brighteon Duck Duck Go Brave Browser