Poland’s swap

Poland's swap

We need to elaborate a little further on Eastern European Group 4 because there seems to be the problem. Groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 are ready or almost ready. Group 3 of Western Europe wil be what will remain from today's EU after Eastern European countries leave. In the future, Britain, Norway, Switzerland could be added. The major problem seems to be in groups 4 and 8. Lets repeat Anti - NWO's groups with their populations in millions;

1) Northern America 490 2) Southern and Central America or Latin group 490 3) Western Europe 420 4) Eastern Europe 430 5) Arabic countries 470 6) Northern Sub-Saharan Africa 500 7) Southern Sub - Saharan Africa 500 8) Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan and Caspian countries 430 9) Northeastern Asia 500 10) Southeastern Asia 500.

To these China and India are added. In Group 4, initially twenty six countries were included. In EU and Eurozone are Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. In EU only are Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria. Non EU are Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Israel.

Under the guidance of France and Germany,Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries, strongly opposed their participation in Group 4. They have a population of more than 50 million. Group 4 is among those with the lowest populations. The effort in grouping is that all groups are approximately equal in population. Without Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries, Group 4's population drops to approximately 370 million.

For that problem, some more options were created. These are the main alternatives for Groups 4 and 8;

Composition alternatives

  • 1 Group 4 ; 1 + A + C Group 8 ; 2 + D
  • 2 Group 4 ; 1 + A + D Group 8 ; 2 + C
  • 3 Group 4 ; 1 + B + C Group 8 ; 2 + D
  • 4 Group 4 ; 1 + B + D Group 8 ; 2 + C
  • 5 Group 4 ; 1 + C + D Group 8 ; 2 + E


  • 1 Balkan countries Russia Belarus Ukraine Georgia Armenia
  • 2 Iran Afghanistan Pakistan
  • A Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic Poland Baltic countries
  • B Italy
  • C Turkey
  • D Caspian countries
  • E Iraq Syria Lebanon Jordan

Anti - NWO accepts all alternatives and so does Russia. Caspian countries want to be in Group 4, so they accept options 4 and 5. ISIS - K accepts only options 1 and 3. To be precise they have not accepted them but according to some information, it is very likely that in the end they will settle for those, even if this is not their goal.

Italy most likely will not accept option 3. This is somewhat normal and expected although they could save the world and at the same time benefit enormously. Italy is clearly not an Eastern European country plus they are a founding member of EEC with France, Italy and Benelux (Belgium, Netherland, Luxemburg). No one can blame Italy, a Western European country, for not wanting to participate in Eastern Europe's group.

The blame is on Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries. While they are clearly Eastern European countries, they do not want to be in Eastern Europe's group. Poland specifically is very Eastern European. It has the highest slavic percentages after Belarus. Poland is more slavic than Russia. They probably think of themselves as Western Europeans while they are very Eastern European.

Let's take out the options with Italy which are 3 and 4. What remain are 1, 2 and 5. ISIS - K accepts 1 but Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries do not accept it. Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries accept option 5 but ISIS - K does not accept it. No one of these accepts option 2. So on one side is ISIS - K against Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries under the guidance of Germany and France, on the other side. These are the two opponents.

It was mentioned briefly in a previous article that there are also mixed or intermediate solutions. Khorasan region does not include all Caspian countries. Perhaps ISIS - K would accept a mixed or intermediate solution. They need to be contacted by other Muslims in order to find out if they are OK with a mixed or intermediate solution.

Top three richest countries in Caspian region are Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. Kazakhstan is approximately at Bulgaria's economic level and Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan approximately at Albania's level. Bulgaria and Albania will participate in Eastern Europe's group. In terms of population in millions they are as follows; Kazakhstan 19,6, Turkmenistan 6,4, Azerbaijan 10.

Khorasan province has a large part of Turkmenistan. So most likely ISIS - K will not accept its participation in Group 4. It is possible that they will accept Kazakstan's and Azerbaijan's. Polands population is 37 millon.  A possible scenario is where Poland is in group 3 with Western European countries while Kazakstan, Azerbaijan are in Group 4. One or more countries from Arabic group 5 will be added to Group 8.

Of course, the rest of Eastern European countries will have to be part of Group 4. Another possibility is to ignore ISIS - K. That will be trouble. Italy still could save the world and benefit enormously. The best would be if Poland realized that they are very Eastern European country and do not belong in Group 3 with Western European countries. Plus they will benefit enormously in economic terms from their participation in Group 4.

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