Rich genuine East Europe

Rich genuine East Europe

AntiNWO will bring peace and prosperity all over the world. There will be rapid development in all Groups that are less developed. This includes Eastern European Group which is the third richest. In order for AntiNWO to be able to assist GROUPS, these should PROCEED as DESCRIBED. HOW can ANTINWO HELP less developed Groups, if people in these do NOT WANT to HELP THEMSELVES ?

There seems to be a bigger problem for Eastern European Group to proceed. People in Eastern Europe have been deceived by NWO-EU and are very confused. There are certain misbeliefs that NWO-EU have intentionally promoted. The first huge lie is that if they are in the same Group with Western European countries, they will become as rich as they are. The reality is exactly the opposite. PARTICIPATION in EU or being in the same Group with Celtic and Germanic countries is VERY HARMFUL.

It has been explained very thoroughly in many previous articles. Countries with lower per capita income have lower productivity. This makes their products less competitive. In a common market like EU, their products will not be able to compete with those of Western European countries. So their production, their GDP and their GDP per capita will decrease or will not increase as they could otherwise. Also in EU's planning, high productivity sectors are reserved for Western European countries.

One potential advantage in competitiveness could be lower price level. Countries that participate in Eurozone, have abolished that potential advantage. Also, generally this is not enough to make up for the disadvantage of lower productivity. EU and especially Eurozone have low growth rates. What Eastern European countries need, in order to reach Western Europe's economic level, is high growth rates.

They need much higher growth rates than those in Western Europe. This can never happen if they are in EU or in the same Group with Celtic and Germanic countries. If they have their own separate Group, they can have high growth rates, and in this way reach or even surpass Western Europe's per capita income. The time it will take is determined by (per capita) income ratios and the difference in growth rates.

Another misconception is that if they become like Western Europeans, in terms of behaviour, attitude, beliefs, culture, style, they will become rich like them. They should not be confused. They do not want to become poor, fake, second class, Western Europeans. They should BE GENUINE, PRESERVE and PROMOTE what THEY ARE, instead of trying to be something else. Their focus should be to surpass Western Europe's economic level. This can only happen if they have a separate Group.

In EU or in Group 3, they will become POOR, SECOND CLASS, FAKE Western Europeans. Those that are in Group 4 will be RICH, FIRST CLASS, GENUINE Eastern Europeans. Their effort should be on how to remain authentic and rapidly improve their economic level. They should take care of the first one, how to preserve and promote what they are. AntiNWO has taken care of their HIGH GROWTH RATES that will make them reach and surpass Western Europe's income.

There will be rapid development in Eastern Europe as in all less developed Groups. Actually, the organizational model and the economic plan for the other Groups will be based on those AntiNWO created for Eastern Europe. Of course several modifications would be required to adjust those to the specific conditions found in each Group. Eastern Europeans do not need to do anything because everything is provided by AntiNWO.

They will have to work. Nothing is done with out effort. But there will be plenty of well paying jobs. Those that are eager to work will be able to considerably improve their and their country's economic level. Eastern European citizens should KICK OUT OF OFFICE all those that DECEIVE them and cause GREAT HARM to their countries. These TRAITORS BLOCK the GREAT FUTURE to come which AntiNWO has prudently PROVIDED for them.

In order to preserve and promote what they are, first they have to find out what they are. They have been deceived about that as well. Their ancestry is definitely not Germanic, Celtic or Latin. It is Slavic and in the Southern part also Greco-Thraco-Illyrian. In all Eastern Europe, there is little Ural-altaic ancestry. The most Uralic ancestry is in Finland which is not considered to be an Eastern European country but is placed in Western Europe.

No Eastern European country is 100% Slavic. It ranges from roughly 70% in Belarus to 25% in Hellas (Greece). The order, according to, from the most Slavic to the least is; Belarus, Poland, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Austria, Albania, Hellas (Greece). Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry is not limited only in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory.

The order of Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry is; Hellas, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia, Croatia, Poland. In Baltic countries it is very low. Greece has the lowest Slavic percentage in Eastern Europe but it is considerable, 25%. Creco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry is much smaller in the areas outside Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory. Slavs originated from Belarus and surrounding areas.

Perhaps the movement of Thracians, Illyrians and Hellenes in Slavic territory was much smaller compared to the migration of Slavs in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory. Nevertheless, there is some Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry in countries that are not included in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory, like Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia, Poland. According to some sources, Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory reached as far north as Czech Republic and Poland. 

Generally Slavic ancestry decreases from North to South and Creco-Thraco-Illyrian decreases in the opposite direction. This makes sense but it is not in a strict manner as it is obvious from the two rankings above. The percentages of Hellenic, Thracian and Illyrian ancestry are not equal in all Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries. The southern part is more Hellenic, the eastern and northern more Thracian and the western more Illyrian.

The most Uralic ancestry is in Finland, followed by Baltic countries and Russia. Baltic countries have higher Uralic ancestry and lower Slavic, compared to Russia. No two countries have identical racial mix. Actually different regions in the same country could have different racial mix. Even people in the same region have different racial mix. These are averages for the countries.

We have explained how racial mix could be. This is not result of scientific research but only an example. Someone in Hellas could have; a) Hellenic (ancient) 40% b) Slavic 25% c) Thracian 15% d) Illyrian 10% e) Uralaltaic 5% f) rest 5%. In Bulgaria, someone's ancestry could be; a) Slavic 45% b) Thracian 20% c) Hellenic (ancient) 15% d) Uralaltaic 10% e) Illyrian 5% f) rest 5%. We could add Hellenic, Thracian and Illyrian ancestry and present it as one.

For the person in Hellas it would become; a) Greco-Thraco-Ilyrian 65% b) Slavic 25% c) Uralaltaic 5% d) rest 5%. For the person in Bulgaria it would be; a) Slavic 45 % b) Greco-Thraco-Ilyrian 40% c) Uralaltaic 10% d) rest 5%. As percentages of Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry (100%), the Greek citizen would have; a) Hellenic 62% b) Thracian 23% d) Illyrian 15%. For the Bulgarian citizen it would be; a) Thracian 50% b) Hellenic 38% c) Illyrian 12%.

The same reasoning can be applied to all Eastern Europeans and actually to all people. So in every country in Eastern Europe, people should find out what they are, preserve it and promote it. Their goal should not be to become fake, poor, Western Europeans but rich, genuine, Eastern Europeans. They can only be rich if they have a separate Group. AntiNWO has provided everything for their GREAT FUTURE that LIES AHEAD.

Two convergences   Advantage deception   More deception   Price level consequences   Purchasing power parity   Economic success   Systems deception

Hellenistic fusion in Byzantium   Byzantium was not Roman   No European family   Two Europes   European tribes’ mix

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