Russia vs USA

Russia vs USA

NWO media and politicians never tell people the truth. They want to have them misinformed. They lie or present a small part or truth and change it. Then they label the truth as fake news. We need to distinguish between news and opinions. On this website, we present opinions that also contain facts. NWO media and politicians have been lying about Russia. Here is the truth.

Russia is not an enemy of USA and Western Europe. Russia is not different than any other Eastern European country. Russia could be as friendly to USA and Western Europe as any other Eastern European country. Russia in not evil. NWO - EU are evil. They are the enemy of the people in USA and Western Europe. They are responsible for the war in Ukraine.

During Cold War, there were two sides, communist and non communist. All Eastern Europe (except Hellas) was in communist block, so they were rivals with Western Europe and USA. Communist era ended in late 1980's. According to NWO's totally insane plan, all Eastern Europe would be in EU, except Russia. Russia has very close racial, cultural, historical, religious, political ties with the rest or Eastern Europe.

NWO - EU made Russia an enemy when they tried cut Russia off its natural allies, Eastern European countries. Ukraine and Belarus were Russia's closest allies. All three countries come from Kievan Ruses. NWO tried to cut Russia off Ukraine as well. There was a coup by NWO in 2014, against a legally elected president who was friendly to Russia and then there was ethnic cleansing in the areas where people self identify as Russians.

In Ukraine, American (USA) and Western European NWO are fighting indirectly against Russia. This is the wrong way. The right way is to negotiate and make an agreement with Russia. The right person to do that in USA is Trump. Democrats have very bad relations with Russia. It will become evident that fighting against Russia is not the right way by what will follow below.

According to Global Firepower, for 2024, in the top 20 positions regarding military strength are; USA (0,0699), Russia (0,0702), China (0,0706), India (0,1023), South Korea (0,1416), United Kingdom (0,1443), Japan (0,1601), Turkiye (0,1697), Pakistan (0,1711), Italy (0,1863), France (0,1878), Brazil (0,1944), Indonesia (0,2251), Iran (0,2269), Egypt (0,2283), Australia (0,2515), Israel (0,2596), Ukraine (0,2598), Germany (0,2847), Spain (0,2882).

Other sources give similar rankings. Global Firepower uses 60 factors to derive the Power Index for each country shown in parenthesis. The smaller this number is, the stronger militarily a country is. From Global Firepower's index we conclude that USA, Russia and China are close in terms of military strength. Ukraine and Germany have considerably improved their position lately. Ukraine has got a lot of aid and Germany increased spending.

Will a country that is stronger always win a war against another that is weaker? No, we should examine as well the location and the conditions. USA is the number one military power but doesn't mean it could win all wars. That was proven in Vietnam war. USA had much more military strength compared to VietCong but couldn't prevail because VietCong were fighting in their own land, had support from local population and were using guerilla warfare tactics.

A country that is fighting a war far from its borders is weakened. The further they fight from their borders, the weaker they become. It is obvious that they can't use all armed forces. They need to leave enough army to defend their territory because if they move a large portion of their armed forces, they would leave the country defenseless and some other country could attack.

Suppose there is a war between USA and Russia ONLY. Who will win? It depends. If the war is in Cuba, most likely USA will win because it is close to its shores while Russia is far. The same could probably happen in the Atlantic Ocean. If the war is in Eastern Europe or Eastern Mediterranean, most likely Russia will win. If the war is in Ukraine, the chances that Russia will win get even bigger because Ukraine is next to Russia.

We emphasize PROBABLY. In order to get a better assessment, experts would have to examine carefully the scenario. Regardless of what experts would conclude, there can be no certainty regarding the outcome of a war, especially if the two sides have approximately equal strength. Russia would PROBABLY win a war against USA in Ukraine but with a very heavy cost for both sides.

Russia wouldn't win the war if some Western European countries assisted USA. That is why Russia needs allies. Probably China is not the only one. China is the world's third largest military power. According to Global Firepower, USA, Russia and China are close in terms of military strength. If we had a war in Ukraine with USA and some Western European countries on one side and Russia, China and some other countries on the other, that would be World War III.

Russia also has the most nuclear weapons, it is number one. The ranking in total warheads is; Russia 5.580 (5.889), USA 5.044 (5.224), China 500 (410), France 290, UK 225, India 172 (164), Pakistan 170, Israel 90, North Korea 50 (30). In parenthesis there is a second estimation. Most of these weapons are much more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima.

One nuclear weapon detonated in NYC could cause more than half million fatalities (583.160). Almost 19 million people live in NYC metropolitan area. Russia will need only 32 warheads to wipe out all NYC. All Russia's warheads could extinguish 180 cities like New York metropolitan area. This is 10 times USA's population. Of course USA could cause similar damage to Russia.

We need to point out that Israel did not lose the Yom Kippur war in 1973, only because it had nuclear weapons. Israel did not use nuclear weapons but only threatened to use them. Russia's nuclear weapons are 65 times more than Israel's today. Probably in 1973, Israel had less nuclear weapons than today but were enough to change the course of the war. They were losing until they threatened to use nuclear weapons.

That time, USA came very close to a nuclear confrontation with Soviet Union. Another instance was during Cuban missile crisis in 1962. When Russia feels threatened, it would use nuclear weapons, starting with lighter and moving to heavier. It should have become evident that the right way is to negotiate and come to an agreement with Russia instead of fighting against Russia. The right person to do this is Trump. Democrats have very bad relations with Russia because they are controlled by NWO.

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