Separation is red line

Separation is red line

Anti-NWO has infiltrated into NWO and knows all their moves, plans, ideas and discussions. There is a devious idea going around for a while, inside NWO circles. They discuss it, forget about it for a while and then they bring it back on the table for discussion. It is one of NWO's alternative scenarios, a modification to their latest plan. According to the modification, Turkey, Israel and even Russia would be in European  Union.

According to their latest plan, all Eastern European countries would be in European Union, except Russia. Probably Belarus would choose not to be included. NWO plan changed throught the centuries. In the very first plan, their Union or Alliance included only the countries that participated in the Crusades. So it would have been a Union of a large part in Western Europe but not all of it. In Napoleon's and Hitler's plan, it was all Europe.

After World War II, the plan was to include only Western European countries. As a matter of fact, originally it did not include Britain. They considered them close to USA. Also they had fought against the Axis. EU is a Nazi creation. Later they changed their minds and included Britain as well. Britain first applied in 1961 and it was vetoed by France. It applied again in 1967 and became a member in 1973.

At that time, all Eastern Europe was in the communist bloc. The only exception was Greece which has an extensive seashore. Britain was a naval power and Churchill was very much interested in Greece. Soviet Union was strong in land army and not interested in Greece which is clearly an Eastern European country but was left out of communist bloc, due to Churchill's interest.

The plan when EEC (European Economic Community) started, was not to include Eastern European countries. When communism fell, Western European NWO thought it would be a good idea to include them in EU and make them colonies of Western Europe. They intentionally left out Russia because they did not want it to have any influence on their colonies in Eastern Europe. Turkey is mostly an Asian country and Israel is entirely an Asian country.

Although not included in the latest plan, an idea has been going back and forth in NWO's circles to include Turkey and Israel. They want to include Turkey, in order to brake alliance with Russia. The want to include Israel because Global Judaism is a strong element of NWO' Alliance. They would even include Russia as a last resort solution, only if there is no other way.

Anti-NWO does not accept any of these. There is no doubt that it would be much much better if Russia participated in EU but still this is not acceptable. The general guidelines of Anti-NWO's compromise solution must be followed. Western Europe will be a separate group from Eastern Europe and this is a red line that can not be crossed. Details of the groups' compositions can be discussed not only for Eastern and Western European groups but for all groups.

As it has been explained, Israel could participate in Group 4, Group 3 or be a USA territory and included in group 1. All these are acceptable by Anti-NWO. Of course, for Israel's participation in Group 4, there should not be any serious objections from Muslim groups 5 and 8. Israel can not participate in EU because there can be no EU. The same reasoning applies for Turkey.

It could participate in Group 4 or Group 8 but can not participate in EU because there can be no EU, only Western European Union and Eastern European Commonwealth (Union, Community etc). Nevertheless, just for the shake of argument, suppose that NWO includes Turkey and Israel in EU, regardless of Anti-NWO's strong opposition. NWO will eventually have to compromise of otherwise it will be defeated.

Even if more countries join EU, the separation of Western and Eastern Europe could happen. This applies not only for Turkey and Israel but also for other countries in Eastern Europe that are not in EU currently. These are Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus. Among them, Belarus is certain that it will not want to join.

As a matter of fact, including countries like Turkey, Albania, Bosnia could make separation even easier. In Western Europe, many people are reluctant to be in the same group with countries like Poland, Greece and even Portugal. Participation of countries like Turkey, Bosnia, Albania would make separation even more urgent. There is also discussion to include Georgia, Armenia and even Azerbaijan in EU.

Most likely, an enlargement like this will make EU problems much much bigger and the need for separation bigger. Suppose that NWO manages with their vicious ways to avoid separation. Then it would be defeated and Anti-NWO's prevalence solution will be implemented. Anyway we look at this, there are only two alternatives. Either NWO will compromise or it will be defeated.

At this point, we do not know much about Anti-NWO's prevalence solution. All we know is that in this plan there is no effort to partially satisfy NWO. It is closer to the system of international relations that existed before the implementation of NWO's catastrophic plan. So the order is as follows; a) previous situation b) Anti-NWO's prevalence plan b) Anti-NWO's compromise plan d) NWO's plan.

The compromise solution has some general guidelines that need to followed. The groups suggested can not change. There are very many alternatives though regarding the compositions these groups can have. Instead of discussing ideas that lead nowhere, Western European NWO should prepare for Western European Union. This is the best thing they can do.

There will be many agreements among groups. There could be many agreements between Western and Eastern European group that would bring the two groups close. First the groups will have to be formed. Western European Union is almost ready. It will be what remains of EU, after Eastern European countries leave. Eastern European group has more work ahead but the organizational model is ready and the economic plan is ready.

All they have to do is follow what has already been planned by Anti-NWO's real elite. The more Western Europeans delay Eastern European group's formation, the more agreements between the two groups will delay. There is also a chance that they will be defeated. In that case, not only a plan that was not designed to satisfy them at all will be implemented.

They will all go to jail and their fortunes will be confiscated. Conspiracy against mankind will be proven in court. Not only they are wasting time with all these useless talks but they are in danger to end up behind bars. All these discussions are foolish. The only useful discussions are to prepare Western European Union and the agreements they would want to make with Eastern European group and other groups.

Note: The word separation is misspelled in the photo. That was found after posting. It is not that serious to correct it and re-post it. 

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