Slim down EU

Slim down EU

Europe's grouping must be viewed in the context of all grouping, not separately. NWO's plan is sloppy, superficial, insane. Anti-NWO took NWO's plan and made all possible corrections. This is a proposal for compromise. Anti - NWO has also a much better plan, a prevalence plan that NWO will never accept. If NWO refuses to compromise, it will be defeated and there wouldn't be a reason anymore to compromise.

NWO's failure is collosal. We need to repeat that the question is not if Anti - NWO's plan will be implemented. The question is when it will happen. It shouldn't take too long because it is a well thought out, thoroughly examined all around plan that provides solutions to many problems. Voters expect from Anti - NWO solutions to problems. They want solutions to almost all problems, not just a few of them.

In addition to new grouping, Anti-NWO developed a new organizational model for groups which is expected to be the standard. Unlike EU's faulty model, it will work even if there is large per capita income disparity. But it will work much better when income disparity is smaller. EU's model will still be defective. It will work only when countries have approximately equal per capita income.

It will be less problematic though when income disparity is smaller. So smaller income disparity is good for both organizational models. The smaller the disparity, the better it is. The difference between the two organizational models is that NWO's will remain dysfunctional unless members' per capita income is approximately the same while Anti-NWO's will be functional even with large income disparities.

Participation in EU is harmful for poorer countries because they have lower productivity and lower competitiveness. Poorer countries should exit. How many should exit? The more the better it is. There are two restrictions. The first relates to groups' population. The two European groups must have approximately equal population with the rest of the groups. Second, the geographic location of the country has to be appropriate.

So we take the countries in Appendix 4, starting from the poorest; Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hellas, Croatia, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy. Portugal and Spain are excluded because of geographic location restrictions. The rest could be in the same group. It has to be either Italy or Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries for population restrictions.

There are other issues as well. For many reasons already explained, Russia is an integral part of Eastern Europe. Russia can't separate from Eastern Europe. This is impossible. It will never happen. More chances are for the world to come to an end than Russia being separately from Eastern Europe. One option would be if Russia participated in EU but that would be extremely problematic.

Russia is not in good terms with some Western European countries. That would create problems, if they are in the same group. It would also be a problem for USA if Russia is in a group with all European countries and USA is in a different one. Also there will be population inequality. The best solution, for very many reasons is to CREATE TWO GROUPS IN EUROPE. These will have approximately the same population with the rest of the groups.

We need to repeat that groups will have relations. Separation will not be alienation. There is the possibility to make all kinds of agreements between the two European groups. If the two groups find it mutually beneficial, they could have so close relations that they could be like almost one group. Of course the same can be done between any two groups.

EU is already chaotic. If more countries join, it would be even more chaotic. This applies not only to Russia but to any other countries that would join. The correct way is the opposite of enlargement, EU should SLIM DOWN to Western European Union*. This will happen when some countries exit. It is much healthier. The smaller the groups, the better it is. Anti - NWO examined the possibility of even smaller groups, than the ones proposed.

What if instead of the ten groups proposed, there were twenty? Each group would have a population of 200 - 250 thousand. The smaller a group is the better it can function. On the other hand, the more groups there are, the harder relations among groups become. Also it would have to be a 20+2 coordinating Council (for global matters ONLY), instead of the 10+2 proposed. These two had to be balanced and Anti - NWO came with the optimal alternative.

In addition, there was a problem with Group 1 (Canada, USA, Mexico). Two groups of approximately 200 - 250 thousand could not be created because USA alone is much more than that. USA (335 mil) is the third largest in the world, after China (1.410 mil) and India (1.405 mil). Mexico (130 mil) has almost the same population with Russia (146 mil) which is the most populous country in Europe.

Nevertheless, in Anti-NWO's plan, smaller subgroups are possible with further division inside the groups. This is optional for each group. Groups will also decide the level or degree of autonomy subgroups will have. Likewise they will decide for the countries' degree of autonomy inside subgroups (or groups in the case subgroups option is not selected). In Table C, Appendix 3 the populations of the two original European groups are presented.

Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries (German Wannabes), guided by Germany and France, strongly opposed participation in Group 4. Because of that, a few alternatives were also examined. German Wannabes' population is 54,7 million which is approximately equal to Italy's population (58,8 mil). So there could be a switch and Italy could benefit enormously.

Anti-NWO is giving Italy a great opportunity. Hellas (Greece) is the most damaged Eastern European country due to EU participation, relatively to GDP. Italy is expected to have the biggest absolute damage, many times higher than Greece's. It is possible that Italy is also the most damaged relatively to GDP because it has been a member for much longer. This will be explained in another article.

If Italians do not want to take advantage of the opportunity, it will be fine with Anti-NWO. But those that interfere against Anti-NWO's plan will be in big trouble. Actually, all should support Anti - NWO's plan because unlike NWO's, it is a very well thought out and thoroughly examined all around plan. It is the best possible compromise plan that leaves a lot of room for fine tuning, as it will be explained in another article.

*If UK, Switzerland and Norway join, population in Group 3 will not be much smaller than EU's today.

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