Style is needed

Style is needed

There is a saying «all obstacles are for a good reason». This may be true regarding German Wannabes' objection to participate in Group 4. Because of that, Italy will participate, if it makes a rational decision. They should make a rational decision because this is the correct way. Italy has to offer Group 4 something that German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) can't and Group 4 needs. This is style.

Italians and French are considered to have style. Italians probably have more style than French. In terms of style, perhaps they rank first in the world. Some people question if too much style is good. This may be a very interesting debate. In this case, since style is needed, more style is good. Why is style an important positive factor? First of all we need to examine countries in Group 4.

Starting countries would probably be Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro. N. Macedonia could also participate from start. Ukraine and Belarus will be trading partners. Albania, Bosnia, Armenia, Georgia, Turkiye, Israel and Caspian countries could be candidates. Theoretically any country that is next to the group could be a candidate.

Among starting countries, all are ex - communist, except Hellas and Cyprus. Most of the candidates are ex - communist too. German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) are also ex - communist but if Italy participates, they will not. So we need to go back to the communist era and look at the production situation, in Group 4 countries.

Eastern bloc was economically relatively self sufficient. They were producing everything, food, clothes, furniture, home appliances, electrical equipment, autos, trucks, other vehicles, boats, submarines, airplanes, space rockets, machinery, chemicals, buildings, airports, harbors, stadiums, parks, roads etc. They had considerable heavy industry and advanced technology.

Many of the autos and generally the products were sturdy and durable. They were able to mass produce (construct) big residential apartment buildings. Communist period automobiles and residential buildings are well known for lacking style. Most of the products were not beautiful at all, if not ugly. Of course it was a different mentality during communist era. The goal was to satisfy all basic needs in a basic way for everyone.

Probably not all this production capability exists currently. But if they produced almost everything in the past, they could make them again in the future, with a different economic system. They would need style, which Italians have in abundance. Style is important in market economic system. Customers buy products they like. Products must have style, a good design so that consumers will like them.

Design was not important in communist era but is important in market system. Of course design is not the only feature customers look for but usually is an important characteristic in many products. In market system, autos, furniture, home appliances, buildings etc must have a good design, have style. The better the design, the more appealing the products would be to consumers.

In a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, it is not only the design that matters but also mechanical parts and performance. These are probably included in style which is broader than design. For some products, design is more important compared to others. Design may not count much for cranes but stil it is not completely indifferent. Style is much more important in automobiles than in cranes.

Productivity would also be an important issue since it relates to per capita income. In order to increase per capita income, productivity must increase. Nevertheless, products that are produced must be sold. Customers buy products they like. Customers like products that have style. So, it will not just be design and style that would be needed but this would be important for various products.

If Italy does not participate, Group 4 will still manage. People that have certain skills and abilities (designers, engineers etc) would be hired from Italy, France or other countries, if they can't be found inside the group. Yet, this issue may be another factor that could influence positively Italy's decision to participate in Group 4. Their style is needed, so it would be greatly appreciated, a lot more than in EU that will become Group 3.

People prefer to be greatly appreciated than not much appreciated. This is true for individuals and groups of people. A nation is a huge group, a big collectivity. So, this adds more to the probability that Italy will be in Group 4. Although not their intention, German Wannabes may end up doing Group 4 some good by objecting their participation.

They may be doing also Italy some good because it has so much to gain and nothing important to lose by participating in Group 4. The irony is that because of German Wannabes, Italy would probably participate in Group 4. Because Italy will participate in Group 4, it will be much richer than Germany in a few years. So German Wannabes will not want to be anymore like Germany but like Italy.

Not only because Italy will be much richer than Germany in the future but because it already is much more stylish than Germany. In a comparison between Italy and France, they may be some to believe that French have more style, although probably more would think that of Italians. In a comparison between Germans and Italians, no person in his/her right mind could ever believe that Germans have more style. Only crazy people could think that.

So German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) will change to Italian Wannabes because Italians will be richer and more stylish than Germans. They would prefer to be in the same Group with Italy but It would be too late for them. They would have to stay in the same Group with Germany and be Germany's Lebensraum, although they would have evolved into Italian Wannabes.

Anti-NWO is giving Italy the opportunity to solve all economic problems, be much richer than Germany, France, UK and also Brussels Free with much more autonomy. Suppose that for some strange and totally irrational reason they do not want these and choose to remain in EU (which will be Group 3). They shouldn'd mess with Group 4 but be involved in their own group. Also they should assist EU's separation and Anti - NWO's plan, since Anti - NWO has been so nice to them.

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