Trading partner status

Trading partner status

EU is a disaster, it has very many problems. EU's problem is not that Western Balkan countries, Georgia, Armenia or Turkiye do not participate. EU's problems will become even bigger, if these countries will participate. For EU to function properly, given the specific organizational model used, countries must have approximately equal per capita income.

Let's assume that NWO - EU fanatics proceed with EU's enlargement. The problems that exist today will multiply and EU will either separate or dissolve. There is already objection in Western Europe for being in the same group with countries like Poland or Greece. It will grow much bigger for countries like Georgia or Albania. Georgians and Albanians would have to wait for many years to be in EU.

And all this will be for nothing because in the long term, EU will either separate or dissolve. Anti-NWO will never allow NWO's catastrophic plan to materialize. There may be World War III but there will never be EU in the future. This is unacceptable, separation in Europe is a red line that can not be crossed. On the other hand, non EU members could have been in Eastern European group relatively soon.

They would have to wait for many years or even decades to become EU members while Anti-NWO gave them immediate participation in Eastern European Group 4. This was possible because Eastern European organizational model is much different than EU's catastrophic model. War in Gaza, Georgia's and Albania's extremely ungrateful behavior and other events have changed these plans.

For various reasons, Anti - NWO original plan has changed. In the first plan for Eastern European group, there were twenty six countries included. All twenty one Eastern European countries were included. Also five non Eastern European countries were added; Cyprus, Turkiye, Armenia, Georgia, Israel. Azerbaijan could be added as well. Their participation in the group would be immediate.

Now, the most likely scenario is that in Group 4, initially only Christian Eastern European countries will participate. If there is income criterion added, there may not be all of them from start. Income criterion will be explained in another article. A question was stated in a previous article regarding Albania. What will happen to Albania, if it is excluded from Eastern Europe's group?

For Georgia there is another option, to participate in Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Caspian countries. For Albania there is not such an option. This is Albania's problem. If they wanted immediate full membership in Eastern Europe's group, they should show some appreciation instead of going contrary to anti-NWO's plan, supporting NWO's catastrophic plan. Still, Anti - NWO has a solution.

Actually Anti - NWO has solutions for everything. Before coming up with the original plan, Anti - NWO's real elite had examined several options. Some of them were ruled out, not because they were bad but for certain reasons. An option that was proposed in the past was TRADING PARTNER STATUS. This was a really good proposal but Anti - NWO wanted to grant to all countries immediate full membership status.

This was possible with Eastern Europe's organizational model and Anti-NWO felt that countries would greatly appreciate it. They would have to wait for years or decades to become members in EU. Apparently some countries like Georgia and Albania did not appreciate that at all. Instead of supporting participation in Eastern European Group and Anti - NWO plan, they supported participation in EU and NWO plan. Anti - NWO was very very disappointed with that behavior.

We need to clarify that not everyone in Georgia and Albania was pro EU and pro NWO. In Georgia protesters against government litigation were pro EU. In Albania, it was their prime minister Rama and some of his supporters who had pro EU stance. We do not know about the other parties. Anyway, it was very disappointing for Anti - NWO. So, TRADING PARTNER STATUS which had been forgotten, was put back on the table as an option.

Trading partners will have privileged trading relations with Group 4 or any group but they will not be in the group. They will not participate in the Group's meetings and in the decision making. There may be some expanded meetings where trading partners may as well participate as guests but they will not be involved in any decisions regarding the group.

Trading partners will not engage in the group's economic plan or the organizational model. They will not be considered in the convergence with Western Europe or the one inside the group. Trading partners will be independent countries that will only have preferential trading agreements with the group. Anti - NWO desires all countries to eventually be in one of the groups.

This concerns only the compromise solution. There is another plan that Anti - NWO has, the prevalence plan which is different and much better. It is already quite difficult to get NWO maniacs to accept compromise plan. NWO's psychopaths will never accept Anti - NWO's prevalence plan. Anti - NWO will have to prevail, in order to implement it and that could be very messy.

So, trading partner status may be granted to countries that will eventually end up being members of Group 4 or any group. This status may last many years or even decades. This is an option. Eastern European Group does not have to give trading partner status to all countries that were originally included in the Group. For each country that is interested, there will be three options, full membership, trading partner status or no preferential relation.

To some countries, Group 4 will give right away full membership status. To others, it could grant trading partner status which could last from a few months to many decades. To the rest it may not grant trading partner status immediately. And to some countries it will never give trading partner status. The countries that are full members will decide what to do with each country that is interested.

So, for ungrateful countries like Georgia and Albania, trading partner status could be given for some time. Even this may not be given right away or it may not be given at all. The decision will be made based on their stance. To have trading partner status, they will have to regret their pro EU, pro NWO stance. If the are not regretful they will not even get trading partner status. Also trading partner status may be given to countries that are much lower than the rest in terms or per capita income, as it will be explained.

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