Turkiye’s choice

Turkiye's choice

Turkiye is a very important Muslim country, perhaps one of the most important. It is ranked second in two important economic measures, GDP (ppp), per capita income (ppp) and first in military strength. The top five Muslim countries regarding the size of the economy, measured in purchasing power parity, are; Indonesia 4.04, Turkiye 3.18, Saudi Arabia 2.15, Egypt 1.67, Iran 1.60. These are from World Bank, for 2022, in trillions of dollars.

Let's see which are the five richest among large Muslim countries. The ranking for per capita income at purchasing power parity (ppp) is; Saudi Arabia 59, Turkey 37.3, Malaysia 33.4, Kazakhstan 30.8, Libya 23.4. Prices are in thousands of dollars and the source is again the World Bank. Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman have higher per capita income but are small countries.

According to Global Fire Power, for 2024, the top five Muslim countries in terms of military strength and their position in world ranking are; Turkey 8th, Pakistan 9th, Indonesia 13th, Iran 14th, Egypt 15th. Muslim countries with the largest populations in millions of inhabitants are; Indonesia 279, Pakistan 241, Bangladesh 169, Egypt 106, Iran 85. Turkey is in sixth place with a population of 85 million but a few tens of thousands less than Iran. Nigeria has a population of 217 million but Muslims and Christians are roughly equal.

In Anti-NWO's original plan, Turkiye was included in Group 4. Anti - NWO originally had an all inclusive stance. Georgia's anti-Russian protests limited the initial members to European countries only. Albania's attitude reduced the starting countries to only Christian European. Turkiye is not included in the starting countries which are in two subgroups that will merge.

Subgroup A are the first tier of countries that will exit EU; Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia. Subgroup B are Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia. Ukraine and Moldova will start as trading partners. Later, either Italy or German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) will be added.

Turkiye and many other countries are candidates for Group 4. First Turkiye must decide what role it wants to play. If they want to play an important role in the Muslim world, they should be in a Muslim group. Since Group 5 is Arab, they can only be in Group 8 with Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan. Participation in Group 4 will come with certain compromises.

Recently, Bahceli made some comments about Byzantine Empire. He stated that Byzantine Empire finished in 1453 AD when Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople. This is correct. Ottoman Empire also no longer exists. In this website, Byzantium is mentioned many times. The reason is to explain racial mix, inhabitants' origin, cultural and civilization's influences.

Byzantine Empire can be a common reference point for people in Balkans and even Turkiye. After all, Turkish originate more from Byzantine inhabitants than from the first Ottomans that came from Altai region. This is obvious by the way they look. If they originated more from the people that came from Altai region, they would look more Asian, like inhabitants of Mongolia or other Asian countries.

Perhaps Ottoman Empire is viewed positively in Turkiye but it is perceived negatively in Balkan countries. The only exception could be Muslim countries, Albania and Bosnia. For Balkan countries, Ottoman period was not a good one while Byzantine era was good. Byzantium was inclusive and relatively accepting while Ottoman Empire was suppressive. In Byzantium, emperors and administration were from all parts of the territory. They were Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians.

Also Byzantium was the most advanced region in the world for a large part of its existence. It was prosperous and strong. It was a glorious period for the Balkan countries. Balkan countries do not want to have in the future a situation similar to Ottoman Empire but they probably desire to be again like Byzantine Empire. It is undoubtful that Ottoman Empire is part of the region's history but it is regarded negatively in most countries.

Eastern Europe and Europe generally are Christian. Muslim countries that may participate in Group 4, if they are accepted, will not have to convert and change their religion but they should respect that Christianity is the dominant religion of the group. If Turkish want to emphasize their Islamic characteristic and/or Ottoman era, they should be in an Islamic group with Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan.

In Islamic Group 8, they will be able to play a very important role in the Islamic world. That will not be possible in Group 4. They will definitely play a very important role in the group's relations with the two neighboring Islamic groups, 5 and 8. So, Turkiye has to make a choice. It is a two way choice. The existing members in Group 4 will also make a choice, if Turkiye is interested to join.

One option is to get trading partner status indefinitely. Although it is self explanatory, we need to clarify a point which was not explicit in previous articles. Trading partner status can't be given to countries that belong in a different group. There will be agreements among groups and relations among countries in different groups. China and India are treated like a group since they are like three groups, in terms of population.

Trading partners are not in the group but next to the group. They may have similar trading privileges with full members. Nevertheless privileges will not be the same and they will not be part of decision making, the organizational model and the economic plan. Most likely Turkiye could be given trading partner status but full membership is not certain. Of course this only an opinion. We can't know how full members will decide in the future.

All countries, except Eastern European Christian countries will have to be accepted by existing members. This holds not only for Turkey but also for all other countries. The only exception could be Italy, if it is a replacement for countries designated to be in Group 4. Still formally it will have to be accepted by existing members but it will be done without much consideration, if it replaces German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries).

In Turkiye, they may actually prefer trading partner status. It will give them more freedom and flexibility and almost the same trading privileges. So, Turkiye has a double choice. It can be in Group 8 and IN (member) or WITH (trading partner) Group 4. Trading partner status is an intermediate solution between membership in Group 4 and Group 8. With trading partner status, Turkiye could play a more important role in Islamic world compared to full membership in Group 4. Still it can not be as important as if it participated in Group 8.

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