Turkiye’s difficult decision

Turkiye's difficult decision

AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs to make a wise decision whether it will participate in Group 3 with Celtic and Germanic countries or in Group 4 with Greko-Thraco-Illyrian and Kievan Rus countries. For Italy the decision is simpler. If they make an emotional decision, they will certainly choose Group 3. If they make a rational decision they will prefer Group 4.

Italy and Turkiye are among few priviliged countries that have two alternatives. Celtic and Germanic countries can only participate in Group 3. Greko-Thraco-Illyrian and Kievan Rus countries can only be in Group 4. Turkiye can be part of Group 4 or Group 8. Turkiye's decision is more difficult than Italy's. For Italy the question is if they will make an emotional or a rational decision. In both cases we know the result.

Turkiye may prefer to participate in a group that resembles Ottoman Empire. They could submit a proposal with a global not a regional plan. They would have to fit their preferred group in a global grouping. Most likely this proposal will not get more support than AntiNWO's compromise plan. All NWO will have to agree on the same plan which should be the best possible. This will be explained in another article.

So for the time being, we examine Turkiye's two options. The outcome is not clear for either the emotional or the rational decision. At first glance though it seems that both types of decisions should lead to participation in Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. For the largest percentage of the population, religion is important. These generally live in the central and eastern part of the country.

There is also a smaller part of the population that are Europeanish. These generally live in the western part and are wealthier. The western part of the country looks towards the west and the central - eastern part towards the east. Emotionally, the western part will choose Group 4 which is European but the central - eastern part would prefer to be in a Muslim group where all countries are Muslim. In Group 4, Turkiye will be among only three Muslim countries.

Only Albania and Bosnia will also be Muslim which are small countries. All the rest will be Christian. Of course an emotional decision is not the best decision. As Italy, Turkiye should make a rational decision. It is not as clear as in the case of Italy what outcome a rational decision may have. At first glance it seems that this could also result to participation in Group 8 with Muslim countries.

Turkiye is one of the most important Muslim countries. Among Muslim countries, it is first in military strength and has the second biggest economy after Indonesia which will not be in Groups 5 or 8. So Turkiye has the largest economy in these two groups. It is also the second richest among the largest countries, after Saudi Arabia. Qatar, UAE, Bahrein, Kuwait are richer than Turkiye but are small countries.

Since it is an important country, it can play an important role in the Muslim world. This can only happen if it participates in a Muslim Group. Since Group 5 will be Arabic, Turkiye can only be in Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The two Muslim Groups are expected to develop very close relations. So being in one of them will lead to close relations with the other as well. Turkiye's geographic position is also helpful.

It is where the two groups meet. So, geographic position will also assist Turkiye to play an important role in the relations between the two groups, which are expected to be very close. Turkiye is probably the most europeanish country in both groups. It is also probably the most economically advanced. There are Arab countries though that have higher income. Qatar is among the richest in the word.

Generally, the more economically developed countries are the ones with the higher per capita income. This is the rule but there are exceptions. There are instances where high per capita income is due to natural resources like oil. In Group 8, Turkiye will be the country with the higher per capita income. More careful examination will be required but it is possible that Turkiye is the most economically developed in both Groups.

Since they are probably the most europeanish and the most economically developed, they could have an important role and a positive influence in both groups. Turkiye will be in the same group with some poor countries. Afghanistan is the poorest non-SubSaharan country. Pakistan also ranks low in terms of per capita income. Iran is higher but still there is some distance with Turkiye.

"If you are in the same group with rich countries you will become rich like them and if you are in the same group with poor countries you will become poor like them". This is a false narrative used by NWO - EU which is completely erroneous. Actually exactly the opposite is true in EU. Only if Eastern European countries are in a different group, they will be able to reach Western Europe's per capita income relatively soon. Groups can set as a goal income convergence among members but this should not happen at the expense of richer members.

Instead poorer countries should be assisted to have much higher growth rates, something that is supposed to happen with the right policies. Generally, the poorer a country is, the higher growth rates should be. According to Rostow, economic take off can happen only after a country has set the foundations for that. Rostow's five stages of development are; 1) traditional society 2) preconditions for take-off 3) take-off 4) drive to maturity 5) high mass consumption.

Since AntiNWO gave Italy all the time it needs to make a wise decision, it is only fair to give Turkiye all the time it needs as well. Nevertheless, it is better for them and for everybody else to make a decision relatively soon. They would have to carefully weigh pros and cons for each alternative. If they choose to be in Group 8, Caspian countries* will have to be in Group 4, so that groups will have roughly equal populations. In that case, is is almost certain that there will be relatively autonomous subgroups in Group 4.

We need to point out that formally, existing members of a group will decide regarding participation of a country as member or trading partner. First Italy or German Wannabes and Turkiye will have to choose in which group they prefer to participate. If Trukiye participates in Group 8, It will be a unique group like North American Group 1. It will have only four countries.

*Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

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