West-NATO deception

West-NATO deception

People often refer to West. What is really West and how is it related to NATO ? Is Eastern Europe part of West? Is Russia part of West? Probably if we ask these questions to different people we will get different answers. There is a lot of confusion, created deliberately by NWO. NWO does not want to clarify things because NWO thrives on confusion, in murky waters.

We need to clarify matters so that NWO - EU can't deceive people. In ancient times, West had a different meaning than today. In ancient times, Hellas (Greece) and Persia (Iran) were two global powers. Hellas was West and Persia was East. East probably started around Persia and areas western of Persia were considered West. After World War II, West was Western Europe and USA - Canada.

North America is USA, Canada and Mexico. So West was Western Europe and North America, except Mexico. West was related to non communist bloc and NATO. West was the core of non communist bloc and NATO but the latter two were larger than West. During World War II, USA - UK were on the same side with Soviet Union and China. After World War II, the planet was divided between the winners in two sides or blocs, non communist and communist.

NATO started as defence alliance against Germany. In March 1947, the Treaty of Dunkirk was signed by UK and France. One year later, in March 1948, the alliance was expanded with the Treaty of Brussels to include Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg). The alliance of France, UK, Benelux was called Western Union and perhaps this is how the term West started.

In April 1949, North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington and USA, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland were also added. So far NATO was in Western Europe and North America only. Hellas and Turkey joined in 1952. Hellas is not a Western European country and Turkiye is not a European country, except a small European part.

Karamanlis was Greece's prime minister who made all efforts for the country to join EU. He was a Nazi collaborator like Mitterrand and many prominent EU figures. He was the founder of center-right party New Democracy which is currently in power. Mitsotakis is prime minister, a NWO - EU fanatic and a major global threat. "We belong in the West" was a statement by Karamanlis that is still widely known today in Hellas. Of course this was another big lie.

He was also an NWO - EU fanatic who intentionally deceived citizens. Many people in Hellas still believe his lie and think that Hellas is part of West. Hellas is NOT part of West. West is only Western Europe and USA - Canada. Hellas was aligned with West after World War II but was always and will always be in Eastern Europe. NWO maniacs create confusion in order to deceive people. There is a big difference between being aligned with the West and being part of the West.

NATO was broader than West and non communist bloc was even broader. There were countries in non - communist bloc that were not part of NATO. Examples were Japan and Saudi Arabia. So West, NATO and non communist bloc were related but different. The same applies to the other side, Eastern bloc, communist bloc and Warsaw Pact, as it will be explained.

In 1954, Soviet Union requested to join NATO but USA refused. Germany was accepted in May 1955 and as a response Warsaw Pact was created that same month. Warsaw Pact was the opposing defence alliance of NATO. Eastern bloc, Warsaw Pact and communist bloc were related but not the same. Eastern bloc has various definitions. Perhaps more correct is Eastern European communist countries, Eastern Germany included.

We will use this definition although it is not universally accepted. So Eastern bloc was all Eastern Europe, except Hellas. Warsaw Pact included all Eastern European countries, except Yugoslavia. It also included Asian countries that were part of Soviet Union. These were Georgia, Armenia and Kaspian countries. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan are the Kaspian countries.

When using the term Eastern bloc, some people are referring to Warsaw Pact while others to communist bloc. There is not a universally accepted definition of Eastern bloc but Warsaw Pact and communist bloc were specifically defined. Another thing is also very clear. None of these were part or even aligned with West. They were the opposite side, the rival alliance. EASTERN EUROPE was on the OPPOSITE SIDE of WEST and NATO.

Only exception was Hellas which was never part of West but aligned with West during Cold War era since it was in the non - communist bloc. During the end of 80's, communism fell in Eastern Europe. That is when insanity started, New World Order which is New World Chaos. According to NWO's evil madness, Eastern Europe would be in European Union, except Russia. All countries that would join EU, would join NATO as well.

Russia had for centuries and still has strong cultural, commercial, racial, religious, political ties with countries in Eastern Europe. Russia is an integral part of Eastern Europe. Leading power in West is USA. They do not have long history and they do not appreciate history. That is their problem and they have to fix it. It mostly concerns NWO in USA (not Anti-NWO). When Kievan Rus and Byzantine Empire had very close relations, in USA there were only Indians living. Russia can't separate from Eastern Europe.

Russia has to be with Eastern Europe. One option would be if Russia joined EU. That would create many problems. It would be a problem for USA as well, if Russia is in the same group with all European countries and USA is not. So Anti - NWO's real elite created the compromise plan, which is as good as it can get. All problems that could be corrected, were corrected. EU separation is necessary for many reasons explained in previous articles but it will not be alienation.

NATO and the term West became obsolete when communism ended in Eastern Europe and Eastern bloc ceased to exist. Hellas should become an integral part of Eastern Europe, since communism's problem no longer exists. NATO is meaningless when there is no more Warsaw Pact. Of course there will always be defence alliances but there is no need for an organization like NATO.

NATO's existence makes defence alliances inflexible and rigid while they should be flexible and fluid. Not only NATO serves no need but additionally it creates problems. NATO served it's purpose during Cold War. It has become a burden and shouldn't exist in post Cold War era, like Warsaw Pact no longer exists. Post Cold War era relations shouldn't be NWO's evil madness, total global chaos but Anti - NWO's corrected compromise plan.

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