Western European Union

Western European Union


We have dedicated many articles to Eastern European Group 4 and none to Western European Group 3. There are reasons for this. First, Group 4 has a new organizational model and a new economic plan. Also it is expected that Group's 4 model will be the standard which most other groups will follow. Although no articles were specifically for Western European Union (WEU), several were for EU. Nevertheless, we will devote an article to Western European Group 3. 

There won't be anything new about this group. After the withdrawal of Eastern European countries, Group 3 will be what will remain of EU. Today there are twenty seven countries in EU. Eastern European countries that will leave are thirteen. Eight of them are in Eurozone; Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Five more are not in Eurozone; Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria.

All of them became members after 2004. The only exception is Greece. It has been a member since 1981 and that is why it is the most damaged Eastern European country. After these countries leave, there will be fourteen countries in Western European Group. In the future, it is expected that Britain, Switzerland and Norway will join, so they will be seventeen countries total. If we add five small countries, Monaco, Andora, Liechtenstein, Vatican city, San Marino, they add up to twenty two countries.

In the original plan, Eastern European group has twenty six countries. To those that leave EU, thirteen more will be added ; Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Turkey, Israel. The two groups will have the same population, around 430 million inhabitants. With Group 8, they are the ones with the lowest population.

Several alternatives were mentioned for Group's 4 composition. These affect the composition of Western European Group 3 as well. There are very few chances that Italy will be in Eastern European Group. But this is still an option. Italy's population is almost 59 million. The countries that may switch positions with Italy and their populations are; Poland 38, Czech Republic 11, Baltic countries 6 million.

If we do the calculations (38+11+6=55), the populations are approximately the same. Baltic countries are; Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. If this happens, Western European Group 3 will have twenty one countries and Eastern European Group 4 will have twenty two countries. If we add very small Western European countries, the total goes up to 21+5=26 countries for Group 3.

Italy's participation in Eastern Europe's group most likely is not going to happen and this is the best option and the original in Anti-NWO's compromise plan. All Eastern Europe is partially Slavic. Even Greece is 25% Slavic. Poland is the most Slavic country after Belarus which is Slav's homeland. So the correct composition of groups is the original, with Italy in Western European Group and Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries in Eastern European Group.

In Western Europe's Group 3, the order from poorer to richer is ; Portugal, Spain, Malta, Italy, Britain, France, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg. EU's model will still be defective.The poorer countries will have lower competitiveness. Nevertheless, the problem will be smaller and more manageable.

Almost all Eastern European countries are even below Portugal in terms of per capita income (ppp). So a large portion of the problem will be gone, when Eastern European countries will leave. But the problem will still exist, only it will be smaller. It will be their concern to do something with problem. Most other groups will have Eastern Europe's organizational model.

Britain left EU relatively recently. Western European Group will not be EU but a different group. So this is a valid reason for a new referendum in Britain. Some ot the reasons that made British citizens leave EU, will be gone. One was legal immigrants from Eastern Europe. There may be relocation agreement between the two groups but definitely it will not be the same situation like in EU.

Also British citizens were annoyed because Britain was getting a little less from EU than what it was giving. Since Eastern European countries will be gone, the difference will be even less. Usually poorer countries get a little more than what they give. If we examine Western Europe's per capita income list, Britain is in fifth place from bottom. So they may end up getting a little more than what they give, with EU's malicious model. It is very likely that they will vote for joining WEU (Western European Union).

Although Western Europe will continue as it is, after Eastern European countries leave, several adjustments would be needed. So secretly, Western Europeans have been preparing for that possibility. There were some meetings where only Western Europeans participated, to lay down a plan for Western European Union. Even if they have not accepted compromise yet, most likely they will do it in the future.

They have not informed their puppets in Eastern Europe about these meetings and the preparations for Western European Union. They are still making an effort for their disastrous plan, even if they realize that most likely this is not going to happen. They want their puppets to give their best up till the last moment, when puppeteers will abandon their puppets. If they tell the truth, their puppets will be very disappointed and become defeatist.

Western Europeans want to be ready when they will have to accept a tie. They will accept a tie and compromise when things will get too hard for them, as they perceive it. This may be even in less than a month, or it may take a couple of years. So they are getting ready for that option. They will keep trying for a victory, implementation for their disastrous plan, for as long as they can.

When the situation becomes too difficult for them, they will accept the compromise. It will become obvious that they have been preparing because things will run very smoothly. Well, we can't blame them for preparing. We praise and encourage them for that. This is the right thing to do. We blame them for not accepting a tie yet, even if they realize that their chances for victory are very slim.

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