All benefit

All benefit

There are specific reasons that stop Anti - NWO's compromise solution from advancing. Many of the Groups are ready or almost ready. Group 1 is ready with the new NAFTA (USMCA). If they want to make changes and additions they could. Arabic group 5 has existed since 1945. NWO's faulty grouping is the reason it has not advanced because it is contrary to it.

Group 2 is almost ready. It only takes some agreement between the existing three groups in South and Central America. Α similar situation exists in Africa, for groups 6 and 7. Group 3 will be ready when Eastern European countries leave. In the future, Britain, Norway and Switzerland may join. Group 8 could be ready soon. The problem is with Group 4 which impacts on other groups as well.

The model for Group 4, is ready. The 30 year economic plan is also ready. Based on that, Eastern Europe will reach Western's per capita income (ppp) in 25 - 30 years. The group's composition is ready. So what is the problem? Why matters do not advance? The reason is Donald Tusk who has become a major global problem. To be precise it is not only Tusk.

Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries oppose strongly their participation in Eastern Europe's group. They would not dare to do it, unless they had Germany's and France's backing. This is why Anti - NWO's compromise solution can not advance. It also creates problems to groups 8, 5 and 3. After Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries started creating problems, other alternatives were examined.

One alternative is Italy's. The chances of this happening are small because Italy is a Western European country and one of the six founding members in EU. Another alternative is the Caspian alternative. There are mixed or intermediate options as well. So group 8 can not advance since its composition is uncertain. Group 5 can not advance either because Group 8 will add one or more countries from Group 5 to supplement the population lost.

Group 3 can not advance as Western European Group because Eastern European countries must leave first. Eastern European countries can not leave since it has not been decided yet what will happen. The group's composition is uncertain. So five countries have created a big global mess which involves ISIS - K as well. Among these countries, Poland is the biggest.

Poland is the world's 20th economy, in purchasing power parity values. Baltic countries are small and Czech Republic has an average size. So among these five countries, the bigger which is Poland is also the bigger problem. Donald Tusk lost the elections in 2023 but managed to form a coalition and become Prime Minister. Supposedly he has studied history at University of Dansk.

How is this possible when he does not know history? Poland is a slavic country. It happens to be the second most slavic country in Eastern Europe, after Belarus. Tusk probably feels German because his maternal grandmother was German. If DONALD TUSK feels WESTERN EUROPEAN, he should RELOCATE to WESTERN EUROPE. That he can do but he can not make Poland a Western European country because clearly it is not. DONALD TUSK undoubtedly BELONGS IN WESTERN EUROPE and that is WHERE he should GO.

The same applies to those who govern in Czech Republic and Baltic countries. If they FEEL WESTERN EUROPEAN, they should RELOCATE to WESTERN EUROPE. It is their right to live where they belong, as long as the countries they want to go accept them. Actually, not only it is their right but they must go where they belong. The same is true for everyone in Eastern Europe who feels Western European. They should GO and LIVE where they BELONG and stop being a major global obstacle.

There is no European family and there is no Europe. There are two distinct areas in Eurasian continent, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. They should form different groups for historical, racial, cultural and econonic reasons. After we explained a little better per capita income in purchasing power parity, we can elaborate a little more on that.

In 2021, per capita income ppp for Western European countries' in thousands $ were; Luxembourg 131 Ireland 106 Norway 81 Switzerland 75 Denmark 64 Netherlands 63 Sweden 60 Austria 59 Belgium 58 Germany 58 Finland 54 France 51 Great Britain 50 Malta 49 Italy 46 Spain 40 Portugal 36. There may be small differences according to the source but all sources give approximately the same values.

There is some overlapping between the two groups but Eastern Europe's per capita income ppp is clearly below Western Europe's; Czech Republic 45 Cyprus 44 Israel 43 Slovenia 43 Estonia 42 Lithuania 42 Poland 37 Hungary 36 Romania 35 Latvia 34 Croatia 33 Slovakia 33 Russia 32 Greece 31 Turkey 30 Bulgaria 27 Montenegro 23 Serbia 21 Belarus 21 North Macedonia 18 Georgia 17 Bosnia 17 Albania 15 Moldova 15 Armenia 15 Ukraine 14.

EU's model is flawed. Countries with lower per capita income have lower productivity. Because of that their products and services are less competitive. Since they are not protected, they lose market share in domestic and foreign markets in EU. If Eastern Europe forms a separate group, EU's model will be stil flawed. EU's model could work only if countries were approximately at the same income level.

When the two groups will be formed, the income disparity will become smaller. So the problem will be lesser for both groups. In addition to lesser income disparity, Eastern Europe will have a different model than that of EU. So Western Europe will be better off and Eastern Europe will be much better off compared to being in the same group, damned EU.

There will still be a problem in Western Europe with the countries that are at the bottom of the list. But the problem would be much smaller and more manageable. Of course they could make changes in their model but this is their problem and their concern. What concerns Eastern Europe is to implement as soon as possible the economic plan which is ready and reach Western Europe's per capita income in 25-30 years.

Donald Tusk not only does not know history which supposedly he studied but he does not know economics either. Polish people should kick him out of office because he is a big burden for Poland and a major global problem. The same should happen to those in office in Czech Republic and Baltic countries. If the opposition from these countries stops, Anti - NWO's compromise solution could advance. It would be better for Western and Eastern Europe and the whole World.

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