Russia’s and Turkiye’s placement

Russia's & Turkiye's placement

According to NWO's insane plan, Russia and Turkiye would be in Asian Union. These are two very different cases. Russia is clearly and without any doubt an Eastern European country. Russia is an integral part of Eastern Europe. Russia can't be separated from Eastern Europe or the largest part of it, if German Wannabes end up participating in Group 3, with Celtic and Germanic countries.

Russians are Slavs. All Eastern Europe is partially Slavic. Even Hellas (Greece) is 25% Slavic. Russia was entirely in Europe until the 16th century AD when the Siberian conquest started. Today, Russian citizens have some Siberian ancestry but this is all over Eastern Europe. The largest percentage of the population (75%) lives in the European part and that is where biggest cities are. Also 85% of Asian part's inhabitants have European ancestry.

Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians come from Kievan Ruses. They had very close relations with Byzantine Empire. Balkan countries come from Byzantines. Byzantium was Greko-Thraco-Illyrian. Hungary and Slovakia are also in Greko-Thraco-Illyrian territory, the vast area in southern and central Eastern Europe where Hellenes (Greeks), Thracians and Illyrians had lived since ancient times.

Russia can never be separately from Eastern Europe. This will never happen. Those that want to separate Russia from Eastern Europe are really sick people. There are more chances for the end of the world to come than for Russia to be separately from Eastern Europe. In AntiNWO there are not sick people like in NWO. Having Russia separately from Eastern Europe is out of the question. It is 100% certain that Russia will be together with Eastern Europe or the largest part of it.

In AntiNWO's compromise plan, Greko-Thraco-Illyrian (Balkan, Hungary, Slovakia) and Kievan Rus (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) countries are the core of Group 4. To these either Italy or German Wannabes will be added. Also there are other countries that could be added. The original composition for Group 4 included Armenia, Georgia, Turkiye, Israel. Azerbaijan could participate as well.

None of these is an Eastern European country. Europe is not a real continent but a conventional one. The conventional borders are Urals, Caucasus, Black Sea, Aegean Sea. Armenia and Georgia are not in Europe but in Asia, right next to the borders. They are Christian countries like most of Eastern Europe. The only exceptions are Bosnia and Albania.

Turkiye is not an Eastern European country but it has a small part in Eastern Europe. It has applied for EU membership since 1987. ANTINWO is TRYING to HELP TURKIYE. There is strong opposition all over Europe for Turkiye's participation in EU. It would be the same for countries like Egypt or Syria but none of these has applied to participate in EU.

People in Europe feel that Turkiye would not fit well in EU. They believe that Turkiye is very different, which is true. People in Europe feel that Eastern part is different from Western but less than Turkiye which is also true. Celtic and Germanic countries are different from Greko-Thraco-Illyrian and Kievan Rus countries. Italy, Austria, Finland are in between. German Wannabes are considered in between only because they want to be Germans and due to their geographic location.

Turkiye is different from Eastern Europe but less compared to Western Europe. So Group 4 could be extended to include Turkiye. Turkish people must realize that it is not only what they want but also what others want. Although Turkiye is closer to Eastern Europe than Western Europe in various ways (geographically, historically, culturally, racially etc), many in Eastern Europe feel that Turkiye does not fit well with Eastern Europe, it is still much different.

They feel the same for the rest of the non Eastern - European countries that were included in the original composition, Armenia, Georgia, Israel. Many believe that they shouldn't be included because they are not in Eastern Europe. One important reason for including them was population. A very weak point in NWO's plan was huge population differences between groups, especially between Asian and European Union. AntiNWO's groups have roughly the same population.

Armenia and Georgia are not the same case like Turkiye. They are small countries and the impact of their participation is small. On the contrary, Turkiye is a big country and the impact of its participation is big. Also Armenia and Georgia are Christian like most Eastern European countries. Russia, Bulgaria and Montenegro have notable Muslim population but the percentage is as much as in France. In North Macedonia it is more.

First Turkish must find out what they want. Do they want of emphasize their Muslim characteristic and play an important role in the Muslim world? If yes, they should participate in Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Do they want to be an Eastern Europeanish Muslim country like Albania and Bosnia? Then they could participate in Group 4 but first opposition must be confronted.

One way is to start Turkiye as a trading partner like Armenia, Georgia, Albania, Bosnia, Ukraine, Moldova. For Albania and Bosnia there is some opposition as well since they are Muslim countries. The fact that they are in Eastern Europe, makes their participation easier. Also they are small countries so the impact of their participation would be small. For Ukraine and Moldova there is no opposition but they will start as trading partners due to income criterion. This helps also Ukraine's conflict with Russia.

In Turkiye they would probably like to form a group as it suits them. Others, in other countries may feel the same too. They have to understand one very important thing. NWO's plan is a total failure, a big disaster. But it has two important characteristics. First, all in NWO's vicious cabal AGREE on the SAME PLAN They want to make European, American, Asian, African Union and put them under a global dictatorship which they will control.

Also NWO's plan is a global plan. If Turkiye or any other country doesn't agree with AntiNWO's compromise plan, they should come up with another global plan, not a regional plan. It will definitely be inferior to AntiNWO's compromise plan and will not get enough support. AntiNWO's compromise plan is the best possible plan, all possible corrections have been made.

If NWO fools Erdogan and give him a promise for EU membership to make him support NWO's totally insane plan, two things will happen. First Erdogan will be in trouble. NWO wants puppets like Mitsotakis, Tusk, Kallas. They try to take on their side those who go against them and then they get rid of them. They have done it over and over again with Tsipras (Greece), Johnson, Sunak etc. Erdogan will have no support from AntiNWO since he would have changed sides.

Also this will be the end of European Union, if Turkiye becomes a member. So far, AntiNWO is not trying to dissolve EU, hoping that the compromise solution will be accepted. If NWO refuses to compromise, among many other things that AntiNWO will do is to extinguish entirely that evil institution, European Union. Participation of countries like Turkiye, Armenia, Georgia will help a lot in the disbandment of European Union.

Turkiye and Russia in EU?

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