AntiNWO ends poverty

AntiNWO ends poverty

NWO has failed tremendously in everything because their approach is sloppy, incohesive, contradictory, fragmentary, impulsive, totally insane. Not only they were not able to solve existing problems but they created many more. Those who fail should be replaced. Anti-NWO has truly solutions for all problems because it has an all around, cohesive, systematic, meticulous, thorough, balanced approach.

Anti-NWO needs only one to two terms to fix all the problems, end wars, bring peace and prosperity all over the world. One of the problems AntiNWO will fix is that of world poverty. The poorest countries in the world are in Sub - Saharan Africa. In the top twenty poorest countries, seventeen are in Sub - Saharan Africa and in top thirty, twenty three are Sub - Saharan. The poorest non Sub - Saharan country is Afghanistan which is in fourteenth place.

The poorest non Sub-Saharan countries have been previously mentioned; Afghanistan, Syria, Haiti, Yemen, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, East Timor, Nepal, Cambodia, Tuvalu, Palestine. After these are; Myanmar, Pakistan, Samoa, Mauritania, Tonga, Kyrgyzstan, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Laos, Uzbekistan, Morocco, India, Jordan, Bolivia, Philippines. There is no data for N. Korea.

Jamaica, El Salvador, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iraq, Guatemala, Belize, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Kosovo, Fiji, Vietnam, Ecuador, Peru, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Moldova follow. Kosovo, Moldova and Ukraine are the poorest Eastern European countries. Kosovo is not recognized as an independent country by many other countries. With the exception of Sub-Saharan area which is clearly the poorest, there is no clear pattern for a region or a group that is also the poorest.

The richest group is that of North America, even though Mexico is not a rich country. This is due to USA's participation which has high per capita income (ppp) and high population. Western European Group 3 has slightly lower average per capita income. This calculation is based on the Groups' original composition. Eastern European Group 4 is the third richest.

Eastern Europe has much lower per capita income (ppp) compared to Western Europe's and North America's (USA-Canada-Mexico). The ratio is 1,7 and 1,75 respectively, if we take the original composition. This means that Western Europe's average income is 1,7 and North America's 1,75 times that of Eastern Europe. If we take only USA and Canada, without Mexico, they have 2,15 times higher income than Eastern Europe.

It has been explained in several articles that Eastern Europe will never reach Western's economic level if they are in the same group. If they are in a separate group, this could happen in as soon as ten years*, depending on the composition that the two groups will have. For that to happen, Eastern European countries will need much higher growth rates.

Countries that are poorer are generally at a lower stage of economic development and have more room for development. They can and should have much higher growth rates. Of course this doesn't happen automatically but with the right policies. Anti - NWO's real elite has made a thirty year economic plan for Eastern Europe which has the right economic policies for high growth rates.

The group's economic plan should be supplementary to the national economic plans. Both are needed. The group's economic plan is in addition to the group's organizational model which is expected to be the standard for most groups. These two, the economic plan and the organizational model should work in accordance. In addition, Group 4 will make the world's best systems available to the countries in the group.

The same approach and the same reasoning used for Eastern Europe, can be applied in any group. Less advanced countries will need much higher growth rates compared to these of Western Europe and USA - Canada. AntiNWO will make available to all groups the organizational model and also the economic plan for Eastern Europe, except points that are specific for the Group or confidential.

The other groups will have to make adjustments specific to the conditions inside the group. AntiNWO can assist them with that as well. Also other groups could make available to their countries the best systems. These systems can be in transportation, health, education, public safety, defense, government and business organization, production etc.

Caution is necessary regarding this matter. The best systems in the world are not in the richest countries. The best railroads are in Japan which is a relatively rich country but according to World Bank, it is not even in the top thirty richest countries (per capita income ppp). It is in thirty eighth place, a little below Czech Republic, Israel, Spain, Lithuania and a little above Poland, Estonia, Portugal and Romania.

According to The Global Economy, the top five countries in railway systems are; Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, South Korea, Singapore. Their ranking in terms of per capita income is irrelevant, if our purpose is to find and transfer the best railway systems. Likewise, for any systems, the ranking for these systems only matters and per capita income ranking or any other ranking is irrelevant.

There will be relations among groups. So there could be transfer of knowledge regarding systems and technology among groups as well. Group 4 could make the best systems available to the groups it has close relations with. In the relations among groups is also included the push approach that Anti-NWO promotes, instead of NWO's erroneous pull approach.

Immigrants in advanced countries could benefit while assisting their countries of origin develop. There are several ways this can happen. One way is to transfer the best systems. Also they can establish business and other relations, start companies and invest. Of course these could also be done by people that do not originate from a poorer country. Immigrants could be a bridge between advanced and less advanced countries.

Sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest region. There are many people in advanced countries that originate from Sub-Saharan Africa. They should assist that area of the world develop and at the same time benefit. They would be encouraged and given incentives to do so. The same could be done with any region that is less advanced. Eastern European Group 4 is included which is the third richest group but less advanced compared to Groups 1 and 3.

It will take several decades for Sub-Saharan Groups 6 and 7 to reach the economic level of Groups 1 and 3. But Anti-NWO will lay out the grounds in one or two terms for that to happen in the future. And as time goes by, less advanced counties will come closer and closer to more advanced, in terms of per capita income. AntiNWO will fix all problems, including that of poverty, end all wars and bring peace and prosperity all over the world.

Italian choice – two steps exit   Income criterion added   Trading partner status

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