EU-euro are disastrous

EU-euro are disastrous

EU and Eurozone should not only be of interest to Europeans but to the whole world. This is what NWO plans for the rest of the World. They will apply EU's malfunctioning model, including Eurozone in the other three continental Unions; American, Asian, African. So, what they are doing to Europe right know, is going to come to the rest of the world and harm them. The rest of the world should not be indifferent to Europe's suffering because they will suffer the same soon.

EU-NWO propaganda presents membership in EU as beneficial. The reality is exactly the opposite and is explained by relatively simple economics. They may not seem very simple to the average reader but to economists they are basic concepts. We will try to explain them in a simple way so that they can be understood by the average reader.

In this article we will give a brief outline on why EU and the Eurozone are harmful and for which countries they are harmful. In the following articles we will explain the various concepts better so that it would be even better understood by average reader. Western Europe's vicious NWO cabal, intentionally mislead Eastern European citizens and citizens in poorer European countries, creating the illusion that their economy supposedly would benefit from the participation in damned EU and anathematized Eurozone.

In fact, the economies, the countries and their citizens are harmed. The explanation is relatively simple. Countries that have lower per capita income, have also lower productivity. Thus, their products and services are less competitive, compared to those in countries with a higher per capita income which have higher productivity.

EU's extremely flawed model has free movement of products, services, people and capital. So, the products and services of poorer countries which can not compete with those of richer countries are unprotected. Their products and services lose market share both in domestic and foreign markets. In this way, the poor countries get poorer and the rich get richer. It is exactly the opposite of what false NWO - EU propaganda promises, convergence in terms of real per capita income.

Citizens in Eastern Europe have been brainwashed by Western European NWO's puppets to believe that if they are in EU, someday they will become as rich as Western Europeans. It is exactly the opposite. This will not happen in a thousand years. Eastern Europeans will converge with Western Europeans, if they form a separate group, provided in Anti - NWO's compromise plan. The model for the group is ready and the economic plan is also ready. It will take 25 - 30 years for Eastern Europe to reach Western Europe's per capita income.

Of course, even after Eastern European countries leave EU, there would still be a problem with the participation of Portugal and even Spain and Italy. It is their problem. They can deal with this easier when the poorer countries remaining in the group are fewer and their income differences smaller. By leaving EU, Eastern European countries make the problem in what remains of EU, easier manageable

A potential weapon for the poorer countries would be domestic currency. Competitiveness depends mainly on productivity and price level. Price level is significantly affected by the exchange rate but it is not the only factor that affects it. There is not the same price level in all Eurozone countries. Even within the same country, we find different price levels.

However, the exchange rate is the most important factor for the price level. The domestic currency was a last weapon that poorer EU countries with lower productivities had against the richer more productive ones. Those that foolishly joined Eurozone, threw away their last weapon to compete with richer countries which have higher productivities.

For poorer and less productive countries, participation in the European Union is harmful. It makes things even worse if they join Eurozone, participation becomes extremely harmful. So they are both are problematic. Membership in the European Union is in itself problematic and membership in the Eurozone exacerbates the problem and makes membership extremely problematic. In general, the poorest countries in Europe are in Eastern Europe.

In terms of real per capita income (ppp), the three poorest countries in European Union are from bottom, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia. Bulgaria is not in Eurozone and thus Greece is the poorest country in Eurozone. So the most foolish people in Europe are Greeks and after them Slovaks. This does not apply to all people but those who made the decisions. They are either very stupid or lousy traitors.

Eastern European countries would not be in a group like the European Union, with the richer Western European countries, if their leaders knew basic economics. Another explanation is that they know elementary economics and consciously damage their countries. They take advantage of the citizens' ignorance of economic matters and use various tricks such as price level, growth rates, fake prosperity with loans to mislead voters.

Thus they create the illusion that the participations in the European Union and the Eurozone are beneficial while they are very harmful. In order for citizens to understand how much harmful it is, we should explain some economic concepts. We will make them as understandable as possible. Those who understand them will no longer fall prey to NWO's vicious cabal. They will not be able to mislead them and manipulate them anymore.

We understand very well that all these can be extremely depressing to some people who believed NWO's - EU's big lies. They should not be depressed. Intentionally we started with the solution, so that manipulated people do not get very upset when they realize the truth. Of course it is upsetting to find out that NWO' vicious cabal has been fooling everybody for decades. Not only they are incapable to solve any problems but they have created many more, a world chaos. This is not New World Order but New World Chaos.

Do not ge distressed. There is hope! Anti - NWO has not only one but two solutions a) a compromise plan and b) a prevalence plan. The prevalence plan is much better but it is also very unlikely that NWO would accept it. The road to prevalence is much harder for everyone but it leads to a better solution. Even compromise solution is good enough. So when things get more depressing in following articles, readers should remember that there is a way out of this chaos. Anti - NWO should take charge and lead the world to a trouble-free prosperous future.

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