Levels of relations

Levels of relations

In Anti - NWO's compromise solution, there will be three to five types or levels of relations. Three are certain and two are optional. The first type or level would be within each group. Most likely these would be the closest relations. How close will be determined by each group's model of organization. Some groups like Western Europe's may choose very close relations while others not so close.

It is possible that in some groups, there would be regions or provinces. Obviously this is not going to happen in Group 1 that consists of Canada - USA - Mexico. It might be useful in groups with many countries like Group 4 of Eastern Europe. In Caspia's alternative, there is a proposal for three provinces; Balkan or Byzantine, Rus, Turkic. In the original alternative, there could be Southern, Central, Northern provinces or just Southern and Northern.

In Southern and Central America, there are already three groups MERCOSUR, Andean Community, PARLACEN. If they come to some type of agreement, they could form Group 2. MERCOSUR, Andean Community and PARLACEN could remain as regions or provinces of that group. A similar situation is in Sub - Saharan Africa with four Groups, ECOWAS, ICAD, CEMAC, SADC. In this case, because of population size, two groups will be formed, 6 and 7 with approximately 500 million each.

Each group could have two regions or provinces comprised from two currently existing groups. We need to note that population in Sub-Saharan groups is probably a little more than 500 million. Another alternative is to form 3 groups. It was not possible for Anti - NWO's real elite to make groups with exactly the same population. Nevertheless, population differences are small compared to NWO's disastrous model, designed by a pseudoelite. European Union will have 600 - 650 million while Asian Union's population will be over 4,6 million.

Most groups could have regions or provinces, if they choose to do so. Another level or type of relations would be between groups. They will make various agreements. A proposal for Group 4 is to make a relocation agreement with Group 3. There are people in Eastern Europe like Donald Tusk who feel Western Europeans. They should go where they belong, in Western Europe.

On the other hand, many Western Europeans would want to relocate in Eastern Europe. Of course this is not happening now but it will happen in the future. Eastern Europe will have high growth rates and many opportunities. So there could be an exchange between the two groups. Those like Donald Tusk who feel Western Europeans should go where they belong, while those in Western Europe who want to benefit from the opportunities in Eastern Europe could relocate there.

People like Donald Tusk want to make Eastern Europeans poor "misprints" of Western Europeans. According to Tusk and NWO's people like him, Eastern Europeans should be poor, second class, phony Western Europeans. Anti - NWO strives for the opposite. Eastern Europeans should keep their identity and reach Western Europe's income level in 25 - 30 years.

Not only Eastern Europe should keep its identity but countries as well. This is what makes our world so interesting and beautiful. If it would be everywhere the same, like NWO's vicious cabal wants and plans to do, it would be boring and ugly. They would make an Eiffel tower in Sudan, a Parthenon in Philipines and a Colosseum in El Salvator.

Fortunately for the world, Anti - NWO will stop NWO's disastrous plans. Cosmopolitanism promotes understanding and universal moral standards and values. It is not making all people in the world Identical. NWO's vicious cabal are an uneducated bunch that has no clue whatsoever about anything. They are a pseudoelite. Real elite is with Anti - NWO.

Groups will have closer relations with one or more other groups. Relations between two groups could be close, medium or distant. In the future, it is possible that 4 coalitions of groups with approximately 2 billion people each, would form to resemble NWO's four Continental Unions. This does not have to happen, it is only an option. Perhaps 10 + 2 Counsel will be enough for coordination in global matters only.

In addition to those, countries will establish their own relations with other counties in other groups. To sum it up three types/levels of relations are certain in Anti - NWO's compromise plan a) among countries inside a group b) between groups c) among countries in different groups. Two more types are possible a) within regions or provinces of a group b) within coalitions of groups.

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