Make a clean start

Make a clean start

Anti-NWO's real elite has designed a compromise solution for the whole world and also an organizational model and an economic plan for Eastern Europe. The model and the plan are expected to be a great success and the standard for most other groups. Anti-NWO has given Eastern Europe a tremendous opportunity and it will be really an extreme misfortune for Eastern Europe and the world to waste it.

Some people have the erroneous opinion that if Eastern Europe's model was applied in EU, it could fix things. This is a gigantic mistake for several reasons. Eastern Europe's model could be applied in Western European Group 3 in the future but not in all EU. NWO's grouping is also a disaster, not just EU's organizational model and economic plan.

So, the first thing that need to be done is to change grouping to Anti-NWO's plan. It is not perfect but is as good as it gets. It is much much better than NWO's disastrous grouping which has created several problems. Anti-NWO's grouping solves most of these problems. Undoubtedly, there are weak points because perfection was not possible given the circumstances.

One weak point is Mexico's participation in Group 1 with USA and Canada. USA and Canada are similar. There is homogeneity between these countries. Mexico is different and there is some lack of homogeneity between USA - Canada and Mexico. If Mexico was like Canada, there would be no problem. Nevertheless, Mexico is in North America, it is USA's southern neighbor and USMCA already exists.

We need to compare the situation with NWO's disastrous plan. A slight problem occurs from Mexico's participation in Group 1 with USA and Canada. But the problem is small and manageable. The problem is much bigger with American Union which is the group designed by NWO's pseudoelite. According to NWO's plan, there will be American, Asian and African Union, like European Union.

There are many problems with this grouping, explained in previous articles. Big population differences and non homogeneity are only two of them. Anti-NWO's real elite has designed ten relatively homogeneous groups with approximately equal populations. So it is not only EU's flawed model that has to change but first NWO's catastrophic grouping has to change.

There are more reasons why it would be a collosal mistake to apply Eastern Europe's model and economic plan in EU. There will be opposition. NWO is a Western European creation and so is EU's model and economic plan. Many people in Western Europe support their defective creations. They will oppose Eastern Europe's organizational model and economic plan and will not allow these to be implemented.

Even if there is no opposition, something very doubtful, it will be very hard to turn around this massive bureaucracy created in EU. In Eastern Europe, they need to make a clean start and avoid dealing with the monstrosity created by Western Europeans. They should not waste a great opportunity given to them by Anti-NWO and let Western Europeans fix their errors.

The only way to make them understand the error of their ways, is if Eastern Europe's model and economic plan become a success. Then it is possible that they realize the error of their ways. Even if they don't, EU's model is their mess and their responsibility. If they do not fix it, they will be the ones who will suffer from a malfunctioning model and plan.

In addition, when Eastern European countries leave EU, the problem will become smaller and more manageable. Poorer countries can not compete with richer ones because they have lower productivity. This causes the opposite of per capita income convergence, which is an NWO - EU deception. Portugal is the poorest Western European country. Most of Eastern European countries are poorer than Portugal.

Even some that are richer, are not much higher above Portugal. When Eastern European countries leave EU, per capita income disparity would become smaller and the problem in EU's malfunctioning model would be smaller and more manageable. Of course they could switch to Eastern Europe's model and economic plan but first it has to prove a success, so afterwards they may realize the error of their ways.

Eastern Europe's organizational model and economic plan were designed specifically for Eastern Europe's original composition. There could be some modifications to adjust to the different compositions proposed but not for all EU. Only a few points of the plan have been presented. Some other points may be presented in the future. There are also many confidential points that will never become public.

Eastern Europe's model and economic plan are expected to be the standard but other groups will have to work on them and make the appropriate modifications, so that they will be more suitable for the specific conditions inside the groups. Dealing with the details may be considerable work. For Eastern Europe, the model and the economic plan are ready.

Of course they could make modifications, if they wanted but even if they do not make any modifications, they will work and prove to be a big success. Anti-NWO's is giving a gift to almost all groups but a bigger gift to Eastern Europe. Eastern Europeans should forget about being in the same group with Western Europeans and instead start preparing for Eastern Europe's group.

Anti-NWO's real elite has everything ready for them. There will be many agreements with Western European group in the future. Their main concern should be to implement the organizational model and the economic plan that are ready. They could reach Western Europe's per capita income in as soon as 10 - 15 years. After that, growth rates will become lower because they will have reached maturity in terms of economic development.

But still, growth rates are expected to be higher than Western Europe's. Eastern Europe will pass Western and as time goes by, the distance between them will become bigger. So sometime in the future, it will be the opposite situation. Eastern Europe will be more advanced and with higher per capita income. The more they delay preparations for Eastern Europe's group, the longer it will take for that time to come.

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