Merge two subgroups

Merge two subgroups

According to Anti - NWO's original plan, twenty six countries would be included in Eastern Europe's Group 4. All these countries would participate from the start. Azerbaijan could also be added. Kosovo's area was included as well but it was not counted separately because many countries do not recognize it as a separate state but as part of Serbia.

Some objections from certain European countries led to the search for other alternatives. Georgia's totally ungrateful behavior limited the group to only Eastern European countries. Albania's unappreciative stance caused further changes. Only Christian Eastern European countries will start in the group and actually not all of them because income criterion was also added. So where do we stand right now?

Presently, there is a most likely scenario, one that has the most chances of happening. Still, it is not 100% certain and things may change again in the future. According to this scenario, two subgroups of countries will be at the start of the group. One will be the countries that are currently EU members with a total population of 113 million. These will leave EU. For a while there will be a transitional period and things will remain as they were in EU.

The other group of countries will be determined by three criteria a) geographic b) religious c) economic. In other words, these will be the richest Christian Eastern European countries that are not currently in EU. Starting from top, these are Russia (35), Montenegro (27), Serbia (24), Belarus (23). They have good relations and there are no conflicts among them. Their population is 162 million.

These four countries will form an unofficial group and prepare to merge with the other thirteen countries that are currently in EU and will leave. N. Macedonia (20) may or may not be added. The four countries will decide if N. Macedonia, or any other country will also participate in their unofficial group, which will be a subgroup of Eastern European Group 4. Ukraine and Moldova will be given trading partner status in the beginning and will become members much later.

The reasoning is to make brackets according to income criterion; a) 0 - 10 b) 10 - 20 c) 20 - 30 d) 30 - 40 e) 40 - 50. Russia is in 30 - 40 bracket, while Montenegro, Serbia and Belarus are in the 20 - 30 bracket. N. Macedonia is in between 10 - 20 and 20 - 30 brackets. Israel is in 40 - 50 bracket while Turkiye and Kazakhstan are in 30 - 40 bracket but they are not Eastern European or Christian.

The thirteen countries that are currently in EU will also form an unofficial group inside EU and prepare to leave and start the new group. The procedure might be as follows. After the thirteen countries will leave, there will be an enlargement. Russia will be added very soon and the other three or four after a while. The two rounds of enlargement could collapse to one.

Regardless of the procedure followed, bottom line will not change. Two subgroups will start Eastern Europe's Group. One subgroup will be EU current members. The other will consist from Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and whichever other countries they choose to join their subgroup. The only one that has adequate chances is North Macedonia but we do not know for sure what they will decide. This is the way things look right know.

There are 17 - 18 certain members, which will initially form two subgroups and 2 - 3 that are also certain but will become members later. There are no conflicts in these subgroups. There will be a dynamic approach regarding the group's division. This is only the starting division, it will end up in a different way of forming subgroups, if there will be any. This will be determined by the Group's final composition, which countries will end up participating.

These two subgroups will decide the steps that will be followed. There are several decisions that need to be made regarding the group. Anti - NWO has everything ready for the Group, the economic plan and the organizational model. Nevertheless, they will have to make some choices. Also, they may want to make modifications. These seventeen or eighteen countries will set the foundations on how the group will function.

It is possible to add some more countries before they make some important decisions. These decisions will determine to a large degree how the group will operate. So some new members could participate in the very important first decisions. Or the two initial subgroups may want to make some or all the important decisions first and then expand the group and add new members.

Only full members will decide what to do with other countries that want to participate. There are two options a) full membership b) trading partner status. Countries that become full members also participate in decision making. Existing members may grant full membership right away or give trading partner status for some period, before an interested country becomes a full member.

They could also deny trading partner status initially and either give it later or never grant it. Also the time period for trading partner status may vary from a few months to many decades. The two initial subgroups will decide on how they will proceed with enlargement and when they will do it. As things are right know, it is their "game" and they will decide when they will let others "play" as well.

All the rest countries are possible candidates; N. Macedonia (if not included initially), Moldova, Ukraine, Bosnia, Albania, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkiye, Israel. Cyprus will be annexed to Greece. Also the rest of the Caspian countries are also candidates; Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Italy could be as well although most likely they will not be interested.

By the religious and geographic criterion N. Macedonia, Moldova, Ukraine follow for membership. Afterwards, if the initial two subgroups use religious criterion, Georgia and Armenia are in line but if they use geographic criterion Bosnia and Albania are. By the income criterion, the order for membership is; Israel (49), Turkiye (37), Kazakhstan (31), N. Macedonia (20), Bosnia (20), Georgia (20), Armenia (19), Albania (18), Azerbaijan (18), Turkmenistan (16), Moldova (15), Ukraine (13), Uzbekistan (10), Kyrgyzstan (6), Tajikistan (5). 

Western Europeans should stay out of Eastern Europe. They should focus on how to solve the very many problems EU has and will remain in Western European Union. In the future the two groups may have close relations but they have to separate, which is good for both Western and Eastern Europe. There could be several agreements between the two groups if there is mutual benefit, as between any two groups. They do not gain anything by delaying separation because it is certain that EU will either separate or dissolve.

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