NWO’s plan is insanity

NWO's plan is insanity

NWO's plan is beyond stupidity, it is insanity. Even stupid people can see the very many problems NWO's plan has. These maniacs want to dominate the world. Instead they should be locked in a mental institution and get treatment. They are very dangerous to the world for many reasons. We will examine part of their plan, the system of international relations.

According to their insane plan, there will be four Unions, European, African, Asian, American. This is not a continental division but pseudo-continental. Everything about them is pseudo, fake. Their continental division is fake because in reality there are four continents, America, Africa, Eurasia, Oceania. Europe is not a continent but the smaller western part of Eurasia.

EU shouldn't be viewed separately but in the context of NWO's plan. According to this madness, Russia is included in Asian Union and so is Oceania. So European Union will have a population of roughly 600 million while Asian Union 4.750 million. Even stupid people understand that there is something wrong here. Only insane people do not realize it.

In Table A of Appendix 5, we present roughly the populations of the four Unions in insane NWO plan. In Asian Union there will be approximately 2/3 (62,7%) of world's population while in the rest 3 Unions it will be 1/3 of the population. We also calculate the ratio to the smallest population which is in European Union. Asian Union will have 8 (7,9) times more population. These people (NWO) are lunatics. In Table B, we present the groups' populations in Anti - NWO's compromise solution.

Separating Russia from Eastern Europe is madness. Russians are Slavs like most Eastern Europeans. Russia and many Eastern European countries have similarities. Russia has been entirely in Europe for centuries, until 16th century AD when Siberia's conquest started. Most of the population (75%) lives in European part. All big cities are in European part. Most of inhabitants (85%) in Asian part are of European ancestry.

Russia had for centuries and still has very close cultural, religious, political, commercial ties with many Eastern European countries. Even stupid people understand that Russia can't be separate from Eastern Europe. Insane people do not. That insanity caused the war in Ukraine. NWO's maniacs created a global chaos, very many problems all over the world.

Northern Africa is Arab and much different than Sub-Saharan Africa, there is lack of homogeneity. Arab countries are also in Southwestern Asia. There is a lot of homogeneity in Arab countries. Even stupid people understand that Arab countries must be together and separately from Sub-Saharan Africa which is much different. Insane people can't comprehend that.

EU is already chaotic and the poorest countries have not been added yet. Currently population is around 450 million. It would be around 600 million with UK, Switzerland and Norway included. If poorest countries join, the situation will be even more chaotic, problems will multiply. Actually the correct route is for poorest countries to exit and form a separate group. EU's poorest countries are in Eastern Europe.

Imagine what will happen in Asian Union where the absence of homogeneity is extreme and the population will be 8 times more than EU's projected. Total chaos! Muslim countries generally want to be separately and this is reasonable and justified, it makes sense. Even stupid people understand that if Muslims want to be separately, they should be separately.

Insane people can't perceive it. Muslims should be separately, if they want it and wherever it is possible (Groups 5 and 8). It might not be possible in instances like Indonesia since there aren't enough Muslim countries around to form a separate group. If it is possible, they could form a subgroup. There are some exceptions like Turkiye which requested to become an EU member in 1987.

If Turkiye becomes a member in EU, the situation will be even more chaotic. Turkiye, Georgia etc are very far from countries like Denmark, Holland etc not only geographically but also culturally, in terms of mentality and racially. They are not very far though from Balkans. Turkiye, Georgia, Armenia etc shouldn't be part of EU but could be part of Eastern European Group or Southern - Eastern if Italy ends up participating.

USA and Canada are much different than the rest of the American continent. Stupid people understand that they have to be separately. Lunatics do not realize that. Here we need to point out that in Anti - NWO's plan Mexico is also included in Group 1 with USA and Canada. Mexico fits better with Southern and Central America but it is in North America, USA's southern neighbor and USMCA is already in place.

There is lack of homogeneity between USA - Canada and Mexico. Still it is much much better and the situation more manageable compared to NWO's total madness. It is manageable for USA and Canada having to deal with only one country, Mexico, than having to deal with approximately 33 other countries. Anti - NWO's plan is not perfect but as good as it can get and much much better than NWO's lunacy.

NWO's plan will be entirely abolished because it is total madness. It is not a matter of if this will happen but when will this happen. Also there is a question of what plan will replace it. If NWO compromises, it will be Anti - NWO's compromise plan. If NWO doesn't compromise, it will be defeated and Anti - NWO's prevalence plan will be implemented.

In none of these EU will be like NWO's lunatics want. Closer to their plan is compromise plan because EU remains as Western European Union or Northern - Western if German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) participate. Anti - NWO's prevalence plan is closer to the previous set of international relations, before NWO's total madness started.

The order of international relations' systems are a) previous situation b) Anti - NWO's prevalence plan c) Anti - NWO's compromise plan d) NWO's total madness. There are zero chances for a or d happening in the long term. It will be either b or c and this will be determined by NWO's willingness to compromise. NWO's lunatics are not achieving anything by not accepting compromise.

They behave like crazy people and that is what they probably are. Their plan will never materialize because it is total madness. Anti-NWO's compromise plan is a lot closer to their plan, compared to prevalence plan. If they do not compromise, not only a plan that is far from what they want will be implemented but also they will go to jail for the rest of their lives and all their fortunes will be confiscated.

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