Was it the Weimar triangle?

Was it the Weimar triangle?


ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for the terror attack at Crocus center in Moscow. The question is who made them do it. At this point, we can only come up with possible scenarios. In one possible scenario, the order came from Weimar triangle, France - Germany - Poland. Just follow the reasoning and it will become obvious to you that this is quite possible but definitely not certain.

Ukraine is not a nation, it is an area. Poland and Russia have been fighting for this area for centuries. The two major ethnic groups in Ukraine are Russians in the eastern part and Polish in the western part. Russia is not fighting against Ukraine but against Ukrainians of Polish descent that support Zelenski's government. Zelenski is of Polish descent and Jewish. Poland obviously supports Polish Ukrainians.

Poland has strenghened Weimar triangle with France and Germany in order to support Polish Ukrainians. Soltz made an announcement that Russia is not so strong as many believe. Macron made public some pictures of him while he was training punching a boxing bag. A day later, 143 people died in Moscow and hundreds were wounded.

ISIS - K or ISIS Khorasan is a branch of ISIS in Khorasan region which includes parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan. They are enemies with Russia and pretty much everybody else, including Iran and Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran is not considered a moderate muslim country. Nevertheless ISIS - K blames them for polytheism and apostasy.

They blame Russia for the war in Chechnya, Afghanistan invasion, involvement in Syria when ISIS had become powerful. Since USA has left Afghanistan, they have turned their attention to Russia. They do not want Russia to get involved at all in the muslim countries of the region. All people arrested were from Tajikistan which is right next to Khorasan.

Weimar triangle and Polish Ukrainians have befriended some of Russia's enemies. There are muslim mercenaries fighting on the side of Polish Ukrainians. ISIS as the name Islamic State implies wants to unite all Muslims under one state and the Islamic law. There is a lot of debate and behind the scenes activity regarding the groups' composition that Anti-NWO compromise plan suggests.

Plan A for Eastern European group 4 includes 26 countries. Caspian countries are with Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan and form a solid Islamic group. Weimar triangle is resisting this scenario. Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries, under the guidance of France and Germany, strongly oppose their participation in Eastern Europe's group. Because of that, an alternative scenario developed, where the Caspian countries are together with Eastern Europe. Caspian countries were part of the Soviet Union.

After its dissolvement they became part of CIS ( Commonwealth of Independent States). In CIS, all ex-Soviet countries participated, except Baltic countries. It is obvious that ISIS wants the groups to be solid muslim. That is what Anti - NWO plan had originally foreseen but because of Weimar trianlgle's opposition, with the participation of Czech Republic and Baltic countries that could not advance. All these so far are facts. What follows is a hypothesis, a possible scenario.

The Weimar triangle, a.k.a. Macron-Soltz-Tousk trio, made the decision for the attack. They gave the order to their secret services to implement it. Their agents found some ISIS members from Tatzikistan. They explained to them that Russia wants to make Caspian countries part of the Eastern European group. Off course, ISIS members do not want to be in the same group with any non muslim countries.

Secret agents persuaded them that they had to make such and attack for the shake of Islam. They have their ways to manipulate people. They even gave them money. One person arrested said on camera that he received half a million rubles to do this. He got half in advance and was going to get the rest after the attack.

Putin said that whoever gave the order will be punished. Perhaps it will be hard to prove with certainty who gave the order. Secret services are called like this because the operate with great secrecy. Russian services may be able to go some levels higher but it is not easy to go all the way to the top, reaching Weimar triangle, if the scenario is correct.

Perhaps they may have some strong suspicions but in the end, they will punish only the ones they are certain about their involvement. So far, only ISIS - K is certain because they claimed responsibility for the attack. It is also obvious that is has to do with the war in Ukraine but they would not be certain if Zelenski himself was involved. So most likely they will punish ISIS-K and Ukraine. Weimar triangle or Macron-Soltz-Tousk trio will probalbly get away, if the scenario is correct.

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